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They have a job to do…it just so happens, their job doesn’t list self-respect as a qualification.
I know a few people that took advantage of the body their were born with and put it to use to pay their way through school. Nothing wrong with them doing it.
Dirty Strippers have no self-respect I dont care if you look good, which most dont. But honestly is that what you want to tell your kid you did a few years down the road. Do you honeslty want many twice your age putting their grubby you dont know where they been hands all over u. Do you want to be responsible that you are entertaining many guys who are their without their wife’s/ girlfriends knowing. Plus the guys that go there dont giv a damm about you as long as you give them what they want. Most of these man are drunk and can be dangerous depending on there expectencies. ALL I CAN SAY IS TRASH
I don’t think you should go through with having this as a job, it’s not a good idea and is not a good job to have. I don’t know why you would consider having this as a job, it is a ridiculous idea.
depends on how the work, do they go in and work and go home? Or do they live the life style? If they live the life style, then I think they are dirty, Can’t take this work home, leave it as work and that is it, My cousin is a stripper and a mother and she does the job and makes the money and goes HOME
thanks…I’m not really looking to be a stripper but my friend is one so I was asking what you thought because there is a huge controversy about it right now! :]
I feel like the way things are in this economy you do what you have to do I dont think its badd but its not good…if I was in a badd situation and didnt have a baby nor a man and the right body wud do it…goodluck
have you ever been to a strip club? your not even allowed to touch the strippers? it’s not prostitution it’s dancing naked.
Why on earth would you WANT to dance naked though? That is degrading yourself, basically telling people that all you are worth is a naked body for drunk old men to ogle at. They have no respect for the girls who do it. My ex told me about when he used to go see strippers. He had no respect for them and tried to touch them (partly why he is now my EX) and his friends were the same.
if I was a guy…I would try and touch them to…there’s a difference between me making it a lifestlye and using at as a job…
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