How did the original Halloween start?

What occured during the original Halloween?

Answer #1

im pretty sure halloween originated from old pagan traditions. They use to celebrate a good harvest with rituals and stuff. I know there is a documentary on the history channel that talks all about it

Answer #2

try searching wiccan on the internet…i’m pretty sure that there’ll be something related …i tink it’s one of their celebrations…there’s a rumour that halloween’s the time when the barrier between the spirit world n our world weakens n it’s like easier to do rituals n stuff…

Answer #3

halloween is really from ireland ore scotland . its not an american tradition …. we did a long assigment on this but i have forgotten a bit :I !

Answer #4

Halloween started out as a n New Years for witches, Wiccas, Pagans ect and is still held as a solemn, serious event. Although, it is more commenly known as Samhain in that context and involves less candy and more mojo! :)

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