Need your advice,,

Alright,, I really would like to show more feelings for my boyfriend then, I do now. I would let to have sex with him, but there is a problem; I’m uncomfortable with my body and posted about it earlier. I would like your help guys. The one earlier was called My sex life,, Please Help?

**thanks to the ones who have already.(:

Answer #1

Ok this is alxevildroids brother and she wants me to give my 2 cents. first of all about your other question about the look of your vagina, that is 100% normal and I find a lot of these irregularities sexy no lie. everyone is different so embrace your differences.also if this guy your want to have sex with really loves you enough to be in your pants he wouldn’t care what you vagina looks like he will just want to pleasure you and make you happy. Trust me as a guy I know however you look down there or anywhere else if this guy loves you he will love every part of you no matter what. I say if this is really what you want go for it! hope I helped -Bret

Answer #2

I know how you feel. I felt very uncomfortable about my body and I still do. Just think that the other person is in the same boat as you, and probably feeling just as uncomforable as you. And well as someone said before me when you in the heat of the moment you just forget about being uncomfortable. You just enjoy being intimate. Maybe you would feel beter talking to you boyfriend about it? But you should love your body :) because when you learn to love your body so does everyone around you. Hope I’ve helped.

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