My Scales are Gone

This morning my mum took our bathroom scales away(grrr) because we were muckin about on them, how am I meant to keep a track of my weight loss progress without it? any tips? or what can I say to make her give it back without making her worried or something!!! :-( Thanks Becz x

Answer #1

Possibly she thinks you’ve become irrational (obessessive) about your weight and calorie counting. These are usually the first signs that things can get out of hand and develop into an eating disorder. Talk to your mum about getting some outside help on this, to make sure everything’s ok and you’re being sensible about losing weight.

Answer #2

Just keep dieting as you normally would be.Youll see results fast.You dont need a scale to see them.In fact not having a scale might ease your dieting a bit,because With a scale,your constantly trying to diet more and more,and that can become stressful. So just keep with your regular diet routine,and dont wor to much about the scale.You should still see results.

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