Introducing Jesus to my boyfriend

Before istart iknow there are some that dont know jesus, yet. And wouldnt understand completely. Your still welcome to tell me that icant push religion on someone who doesnt want it,

But as a saved christian seventeen year old girl iknow that its one of my jobs to introduce jesus to others and make a difference in their lives. Everyone im around knows how much ilove church and jesus. Especially my boyfriend. And its not like im forcing church on him, but ihave asked him more than once to join me when igo to church. I’ve explained how its a big deal to me. And how he wont regret it. And he still says no. Theres times where he even sees the fire in me. That im on fire for god. And iknow he wants it too.

Hes a smart young man. Makes great choices for his life. Although iknow hes not completely happy. He always expects the worse to happen. And iknow a life with jesus can turn that completely around.

Ijust am not sure how to introduce him to jesus. Asking him simply isnt working. I’ve talked to jesus about it. And all iknow ihave to do now is wait. Keep asking, but dont bug him. Any suggestions?

Answer #1

give him the puppy face…the “if you love me…”…ANYTHING. just do it. be persistant! my dad doesnt go to church at all EXCEPT for on Christmas and Easter. he realized how important it is to me and my mom, and now he at least does that. dont overwhelm him; ease into it. but kudos to you for wanting to do this. God bless!!

Answer #2

to each his own…if your boyfriend doesnt like it he wont change his mind…religion isnt something to be brought upon people its the belief that makes you into what you are… sorry im not sure anyone would like to be pushed into believing something they dont want to

BTW your 17 im not sure you have that job to introduce jesus

Answer #3

Dear sshine, First of all you are not responsible for his happiness…this is something that he has to do on his own. You stated he is always looking for bad things to happen, this probably stems from an unhappy childhood. I’m sorry but religion of any kind will not change what has happened to him. He has to get some counselling so he can address his issues, face them and deal with them. My question is why would you even date someone who is not of your faith if it is a important to you as it seems?? Sue…good luck

Answer #4

Why oh why did you need to post this as anonymous???

I would have given you two thumbs up if you had posted your name along with the following:

Before istart iknow there are some that dont know jesus, yet. And wouldnt understand completely. Your still welcome to tell me that icant push religion on someone who doesnt want it,

Well maybe there is some reason you had to be anon, so since you are much cooler than the average Christian I have met, I will do the unthinkable and help you in either your next relationship or maybe to help someone else.

If I were you, I would instead tell him how important church was to me, I would underline say how much I loved the sense of community, how I loved singing in a room of people where (hopefully) nobody would judge my singing ability and maybe talk about how much I wanted him to meet some of my friends there.

I would not talk about God, Jesus, sin, his soul and especially NOT anything about sunday school.

I would ask him to attend one sunday a month with me (or whatever day your church deems to be normal).

Then I would ask him to occasionally attend a couples retreat with me, with the understanding that he might want to ditch out of some of the activites and I would tell the people incharge this ahead of time as well. Then if he did not want to attend some of the things during the day, I would spend the time with him, as long as we didn’t spend the time making out, having sex, etc. However I would expect him to attend half of the activites during the day.

You have to get him wanting to go on his own before you can even think about asking him to accept Jesus.

To a non-christian, the thought of giving their soul away is either laughable as they do not believe in it, or horrifying since many of us have been raised from a young age to beleve that we should not sell or trade or give our soul away to anything.

As a non-christian that’s not just asking me for my life, but for my immortal existance. For me to give up all rights to it, to a mountain god who severely punishes his followers is not a prospect easly swallowed.

If your boyfriend has read the Bible, it might be a much harder sell than if he has not.

Just remember that no matter what you believe in, love should override hate in your heart. (I am not calling you a liar) If you live your life as a Christian and you benifit from your devotion. Your boyfriend will surely see this and might be swayed more by that than any verbal convincing.

I hope that all is well with you sweetie.

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