How can I not be clingy but be nice and fun with my girlfriend?

I am very clingy to my girlfriend and I hate it. I am in highschool and I feel that I should wait for her to call me or text me, thats what highschool kids these days (except if we need a direct answer) then we call. I have tried to not be clingy or show my emotions but it’s just instincts,those need to change though. How can I occupy myself to not feel the complete urge to just have to talk to her? I care a lot about her and she seems to be getting annoyed with I can tell so I have been trying to seperate myself from the emotions and things like that but it never works. And another thing I am not entirely smooth over texting but in person it works. So if anyone could help with that, awesome, and I don’t need any bullshit answer from some retard so anyone that can help thanks. Additional Information: I’m a highschool student so you know how some girls are,but she is different. I just need advice about this because I care about her a lot just don’t know how else to talk to her or show I care. But I also want to be fun and make her want to talk to me instead of me starting the conversation, thanks to anyone who replies/helps.

Answer #1

Dont worry about him, if your girlfriend says she wouldnt fo anything with him you have to trust that. If things work out with him and you then when he flirts with her again flirt with her too. Remeber if you are both flirting with her you have the better hand on this you can be touchy and say stuff that he cant say because you are dating her. Take that into your advantage. So you and her werent fighting in the end? Just you and him? You can go ahead and text her. Apoligise for how you acted yesterday and tell her that you were just unsue how to react to him flirting with her right infront of you.

Answer #2

no problem. anytime :)

Answer #3

Yeah it’s just me and him. I can tell her that she texted me just now so yeah. You are very good at giving advice thank you.

Answer #4

Ohh, okay I thought you meant you werent smooth in texting but talk you were. Take your strong point, if you are smooth in talking directly use that. But if you need a bit of time to think of somthing to say stick with texting. The thing with texting however is conversations can come to a stop faster then talking, but the downer with talking is it might take a little bit more work and focus to start a concersation.

Answer #5

She doesn’t really have time to hang out with friends because she has soccer and is really good in school so she likes studying. I don’t like calling but I can try. The thing is that I don’t know what to talk about a lot of the time> I’m not exactly smooth at all

Answer #6

It could be just in case she has friends over or somthing, but just maybe put a hold on the texting for a while until you understand how shes feeling. Dont call her to much though maybe once or twice every second day depending on if you just want to talk or you actually have somthing to say. I liked having my boyfriend calling all the time but for now call her once every second day if she doesnt seem to have a problem with it call her more regularly.

Answer #7

My supposedly best friend well not anymore flirts with her and he knows it and I know it to. So I got mad but I can’t tell him off or do anything because he can win against me in a fight so I just went on the staircase and played a game while he just flirted with her, She tells me she wouldn’t do anything with him or go out with him and I trust her but not him or guys really. And that showed I was weak and yeah, but then she came over and talked to me and said I need to not worry and so I said ok. Then we started kissing and such. So when I got home he texted and said I need to be so clingy and stuff, basically he just pointed out all the bad things I do and didn’t try and help me so I just said I’m done talking to you and now I am not friends with him but he doesn’t know that

Answer #8

Yeah texting is easier for me because I can keep the conversation going but it’s not as fun as it would be over a call, but the call ends faster. But I should wait till she texts me first today? Because we didn’t have such a good day yesterday unfortunately.

Answer #9

What happend yesterday?

Answer #10

Girls love love love it when a guy shows affection for them. I have had two totally opposite relationships like this before one guy called me every night, the other never called me I always had to call him. I learnt that I dont want a guy that I have to call I loved having my boyfriend calling me everynight and wanting to hang out with me and telling me he loves me. If you arent smooth on texts dont sweat it, do it the “old fashion way” and pick up your phone and talk to her for real. If you dont want to do that then in your texts dont use sarcasim, try not to act different in your texts from how you act in person, and dont say anything to her that you wouldnt say in person to her. Many guys can say “I love you” and “Your Beautiful”, etc. on the phone but when its in person they freeze up. Let me be the first person to tell you that it anoys the H3LL out of me when a guy is like that =P

If all of that doesnt work, ask her. Ask her if she likes it when you show your affection to her and if shes into PDA and stuff. That way you will get a straight up answer and if you dont like that answer she gives you, you will have somthing to think about. It doesnt seem like a big deal that you like PDA and shes doesnt, but it can turn into one. =)

I really hope I helped you out, let me know how things work out. -Candace

Answer #11

Thank you candace I will be sure to ask her that. I always text her first but I want her to text me first to see if she cares and wants to talk to me. Do you think that is smart at all?

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