What are some tips to stay thin?

well I’ve asked questions about loosing weight and not many people are helping me but now I RELLY need the help basically I hate my body and always wear baggy clothes to hide it everybody says that im not fat but relly I am they just wont believe me will somebody please give me some moral support so that I can stay thin but relly I want to be anorxic I was once but then my frends made me eat. so will somebody give me some tips on how I can stay thin I dont eat and I exercise evryday but it does seem to b working as well as I want it to I loose about 1 stone evry 2 weeks but I want to loose more can anybody help me>? fanx x0x

Answer #1

Cutting your meal portions in half will also help. I’m one that doesn’t exactly like to exercise. I need to find other ways to help manage my weight. Who really likes to exercise? Especially when you feel over weight and you start to exercise for a week, and see no pounds gone, still the same weight, it’s depressing. However, if you can exercise and stick to it and think positive about it, that will help out tremendously!! But.. On the flip side… Eating smaller portions helps.. Cutting out candy, sweets, and caffeine will help.. Avoid a lot of sugars, they spark your body to want more food, sugars and sweets dont’ fill you up, they only give you calories, a lot of them too! Try to eat more well rounded means, a little bit of veggies and fruits sometimes along with the main course of meat and carbs. Good luck, weight is a difficult battle for everyone! I’m sure you’re not fat, people are always so much harder on themselves than they need to be. I don’t recommend wearing baggy clothes, yeah it may feel like it’s hiding something, but in all reality it really is just making you look larger, and that’s not good.. Lift up your head, look at Queen Latifah, Oprah, and all the new Dove models, society is trying to help people realize it’s not normal to be so thin, it’s ok to be a little thicker. So, pick your chin up, do your hair real pretty, put on makeup, get some new form fitting clothes– nothing too tight, nothing loose, just tasteful. And go out on the town and see how many compliments you get!! Good luck!!

Answer #2

I don’t think you understand that bulimia and anorexia are both psychological conditions. You don’t MAKE yourself either of those things–they are diseases of the mind. They aren’t substitutes for healthy diet and exercise, which WILL help you lose weight.

Instead, it will slow down your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. Eventually, anorexia and bulimia will demineralize teeth. Your teeth may become sensitive to heat, cold, and acids. Eventually, your teeth may severely decay, erode away from fillings, and finally fall out. Sexy, huh?

Your blood potassium levels can drop significantly with regular vomiting or use of certain diuretics. This can disturb your heart’s rhythm and even produce sudden death.

Salivary glands may swell because of infection and irritation from the vomit. You may at some point suffer from stomach ulcers and bleeding and tears in your esophagus. Constipation may result from frequent laxative use.

When bulimic episodes occur over time, a sequence of chronic illnesses can occur affecting your heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and/or neurologic complications.

The way to lose weight is through healthy diet and exercise. Eat 4-6 SMALL meals a day, consisting of lean meats, whole-grain starches, fruits and vegetables. Set up your plate so 1/4 is meat, 1/4 is starch, 1/2 is fruit and veggies, and there is minimal fat.

If you do this as well as drink 8 glasses of water a day and exercise for 30 min a day a few times a week, you will see healthy results.

Good luck.

Answer #3

Your friends are great for making you eat. Being anorexic will actually Make you gain weight in the end. Your Body needs the minerals and nutrients to survive,and if you starve yourself,your body will go into shock,and think your dead. The proper way to lose weight is to Diet and excersize. NEVER starve yourself. NEVER take diet pills either,They only make you lose water weight,which is unhealthy at low numbers. 1 stone every 2 weeks is probably NOT going to happen. 3 pounds a week is more like it. Diet and excersize,Walk,run! jog! NO STARVING.Seriously,its not worth it. ;]

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