Can I be pregnant if I got a normal period?

hello… im 19yrs old.. I had sex with my boyfriend on the 13th and today 27/7/07 I get my period normally..!!! Is there a chance that I am pregnant..?

Answer #1

Yes, you can get a period in early pregnancy.

The only way to know if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.

Make sure you are using protection if you do not want to be pregnant.

Answer #2

If you have your period no your not pregnant. Take it from someone who has had 2 babies. I never knew i was pregnant until a month after i conceived. If you dont get your period then you worry.

Answer #3

yes, you can be pregnant with a period, u just need to take a pregnancy test now and then in 10-14 days to be 100% sure. And angelfire is wrong. You can get pregnant while using any almost type of contraception, the only exceptions are abstinence and sterelization. I hope this helps you.

Answer #4

I had my period Dec 29,2008 But I still feel like I’m pregnant I took pregnancy tests but they keeping coming back that I’m not pregnant what I also got a blood test one done and it came back I wasn’t pregnant but I got a doctor appointment on Jan 8 ill keep everyone updated on my story…

Answer #5

only reason im on here is because I think I got my girlfriend pregnant… but… she just starded her period. and I heard bout that “being pregnant while on your period” thing. . . and im just as lost as u.

Answer #6

no. As long as you get your period you are not pregnant. Please use some kind of contraception if you aren’t already.

Answer #7

I had a period the 1st five months of one of my preganancies, ( 6 children) so yes, you could be pregnant. If you are not ready to have children, wear some form of protection. The best kind is the diaphragm. Good luck!

Answer #8

Hi yes I heard that girls can still have periods while pregnant. They can’t tell there pregnant till there period is missed a few months later or when they go to labour they find out they had a period while pregnant. Some people don’t believe that you can have a period while pregnant but I believe it because there have been stories in the newspaper about it. I had Implantation bleeding on the 2nd May then got a period 2 weeks later which was light and no cramps.Then after that month my periods went into a pattern for 3 months then this month my period was 1 day late which was pretty strange I’m going clinic tomorrow and see if I’m pregnant cause for all I know I could be pregnant and still having periods. In May and July I did experience pregnancy symptoms on and off

Answer #9

You wouldnt be asking this question if you used protection!!

Answer #10

SO, was your period a normal period as in( how many days?, was it light or heavy?

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