How can I make my hair thin?

how can I make my hair thin?

Answer #1

First of all thick hair is soo nice so I don’t see why you want thin hair you can layer it but be careful if you have bangs ask them to use a razor on it because it will look better

Answer #2

Hairdressers Will Thin Your Hair If You Ask Them Too.

Bewarned: As A Child I Had My Hair Thined & Now It Is Quite Thick. So It Does Tend To Grow Thicker.

Answer #3

Straighten it. Not too often because it fries it. Layering helps well too. Thick hair is IN though… …says no other than vogue… !!!

Answer #4

well you can have it thinned but I advise you not 2 because it will just grow back thicker. if you get it layered and you have curly hair already its gunna add more frizz to what you already have if you do get layers get long layers not razored that fringes the ends and gives you frizz…hope this helps

Answer #5

get it layered xxx

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