Period symptoms?

so I had sex 14 days ago and I havent had my period since june 22nd. is 14 days too early for symptoms? I have headaches and im freakishly hungry all of the sudden when I didnt use to be and I’ve been peeing like every 10 minutes, could it just be an infection?

Answer #1

you can get a positve pregnancy test from 10 days after conception. I’d be more worried that it’s been 6 weeks since your last period…

and every person and pregnancy is different. some women never get ‘symptoms’ some feel sick from when the sperm meets the ovum…

the only conclusive way to know, is to do a test. stressing about a period being late can delay it too, so if you do a test and it is negative, then you may come on simply becuase you are relaxing…

do a test and let me know! don’t panic, cross that bridge if you need to…

Answer #2


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