Why am I bleeding?

I have been having unprotected sex for around 6 months, I took a pregnancy test about a week ago it was negative. Then shortly after that I started bleeding really light (barely even noticeable), the next day it got a little heavier, but not much…then the next day I was bleeding really light again…then it stopped…at first I thought it was my period but…it usually lasts alot longer and I bleed alot heavier. Is this a period, or am I pregnant? I heard some women have spotting during there first trimester…If you know what it could be, have any advise, or you went through this same thing please answer this post. THANKS :)

Answer #1

ok it could be ur period because ur period will not always be the same, i read this somewhere

Answer #2

yea I know a period could be irregular, but mine has been pretty reg. ever since i got it…so why now? how does it suddenly change so much?

Answer #3

Period, Cut, Wounds, Random bleeding? which would be weird

Answer #4


Answer #5

My best advice to you is this:

  1. If you plan on having unprotected sex, make sure you know what the risks involved are so you dont use these words as an excuse “But I didnt know…!”
  2. If your situation consists for over 5 days then I would seriously schedule an appointment with the gynecologist! Might be something far worse then you know…(I hope not)

Good Luck to you!

Answer #6

It depends. Where are you bleeding???

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