Is it bad to masterbate when I have my period ?

Answer #1

Of course not, it can actually help with your cramps to have an org@sm.

Answer #2

Of course not, it will actually help with your cr@mps to have an org@sm.

Answer #3

It wont hurt anything it can actually help with your cramps to have an org@sm.

Answer #4

Not at all, it can help with your crmps to have an orgsm while your on your period.

Answer #5

No its safe and can help out if you have cramps..

Answer #6

No its very safe.

Answer #7

No but just remember to clean off whatever you are using when you’re done! They say girls have the most sexual desire when they are on their periods, which is probably why you masturbate when you’re on your period, and no there is nothing wrong with it.

Answer #8

as they all have said, no. but clean up really well as its kind of messy to do that while you’re on you period.

Answer #9

no just wash afterwards to avoid any unpleasent smells :S

Answer #10

its really good for you actually.

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