Anyone else been injured in a mosh?

Just wondering how many people have been hurt or just had fun in one lol

Answer #1

I almost died in a mudvayne mosh pit back in the day…I was like 14 and a TON of people were moshing and everybody fell and I was like under a million bodies and I couldnt hear or see and I heard my ribs crack and I started SCREAMING most of the people got pulled up and I was still on the ground and I could hear my girl jess yelling THERES SOMEBODY STILL DOWN THERE and she pulled me up because she4s a life saver and we got the hell out of there. but it was freaking awesome

Answer #2

haha mosh pits are fckin FUN! who cares if you get hurt! it’s still worth it! best way to get an injury fer sure! if you hurt somebody else… eh oh well… I’m sure they enjoyed it. if not oh well sht happens :P

Answer #3

I got my lip busted twice in the same night at a concert with a bunch of bands. First time was during Against Me!’s set and the second time was during Bad Religion’s

Answer #4

I had my lip ring ripped out at a lamb of god concert. I had gotten it the day before, but the next day I got the other side done, so it was allright

Answer #5

ha, I dislocated my knee, good thing I was wasted.

Answer #6

my friend Koti and concert I went to a fall out boy concert and she got elbowed in the stomach and fell over. it was sad and hilarious. lmao.

Answer #7

bring me the horizon. mosh pit. pretty much had to be there. nothing bad-ish happened to me…but my friends. pretty bad. [=

Answer #8

my best friend and me were atta mosh pit at a white strips concert,because were a lil punkish and stuff so we were there and I knockeds sum people down and stuff while my best friend got run over by a group of wuz funny at first till she got knocked out by sum goth guy lol

Answer #9

I got my lip busted in a mosh pit twice in the same night at a concert where a couple different bands played. First time was during Against Me!’s set and the second time was during Bad Religions. I also took a pretty gnarly hit to the head during one of them.

Answer #10

me and my bud went to a mosh and we were going through it and this one guy cane up and like literally picked my friend up and threw him into a pole… I ran like a bat outta he11

It was freakin rad!!!

Answer #11

I’ve came back with bruises and cuts from moshes.. lol lamb of god concert

Answer #12

I busted my lip and had many bruises, and my friend broke her wrist hahaa that was a fun time :D

Answer #13

umm yeah…at buzzfest people started moshing and they hit me in the nose.. :P didnt really hurt.

Answer #14

My nose was busted at a Slipknot concert, and various injuries occured at the Lamb of God concert…

Answer #15

It all pays off when you get to crowd surf lol

Answer #16

My mum broke her heels on her new Platforms, but thats it. Rolling Stones Concert…

Answer #17

I have a friend who broke her arm at a fall out boy concert lol

Answer #18

I got a bloodied nose once… but I kept moshin! :)

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