Why do I get annoyed by my dad easily?

Answer #1

Because your 15 haha. Most people get annoyed with their parents especially in the teen years. It’s natural, just try not to be to hard on him :)

Answer #2

don’t be annoyed with your dad he loves you and just wants what’s best for you. try to be a little patient with him just remember he means well

Answer #3

Maybe you’ve grown to sort of resent him in addition to growing apart or something. That’s what happened with me & my dad. What I would suggest, though, is to try to talk to him about it. You may not have that opportunity forever. When he’s doing something annoying, make a conscious effort to focus on his good qualities. Is he a good provider? Is he a loving person? The fact that he’s stuck around is a good quality in itself with so many young people growing up without a dad, so hang in there :)

Answer #4

well if your a teenager its common and not unnormal or ya just dont like him?

Answer #5

Hehe. Thats one reason.. But.. He annoyes me since I was born. Lmao. >.< And funny thing to this is that I annoy him to. Lmao.

Answer #6

I don’t think his “love” for me is actually love… He didn’t want me to be born. He actually told my mom to abort me… Was that a sign that he was anxious for me to be born ?

Answer #7

All father’s are anxious when told that they are going to be fathers for the first time. You have this life and now that life will have to be put on hold and many things will change. But I am pretty sure when you were born it melted his heart and made him really guilty that he had those thoughts. You get annoyed easily because you can’t get your way and your demands may be a little more difficult to complete. Like you may want to go alone with a boy late at night or could be using your dad to drive you around all over town and to the mall. Also is frustrating for him because the things that are important for him and you two used to do together now you think they are dumb and he feels rejected.

Answer #8

Lmao. I got no car. Lmfao ! Nahh. Im not that type of girl. Dude ! Im barely 15 not 18. Hahahah. Probably your dads like this and likes to do activities with you. trust me mine ain’t like that. All mine does is sleep, eat, go work.. sleep, eat, go work. Thats his daily routine. he never got time for me only to eat. Which is messed up… And my question again was, why do I get annoyed by my dad, not me annoying my dad. Lmao.

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