History of the Alien creatures from the movie?

I am looking for information, more like a history of the Alien creatures( PReadator too). where can I find the web sites? I want to know where did they come from( do they have a home planet)? the space ship from the first movie, where they found the first egg, where did that ship come from? does the female Queen have to mate or is she bi-sexual? how did they mutant in the last AVP?

Answer #1

I caught the same bug a while ago, a fascination with the creature and its life cycle, its origins, etc. As much as I hate using Wikipedia as the be-all, end-all of research, the page on the Alien is quite good –


I think you mean “asexual” (able to reproduce without mating) not “bisexual” (sexually attracted to both sexes), though, but thanks for the strange imagery.

The origin of the Space Jockey spaceship, at least as far as the films are concerned, was never explained, but Ridley Scott has said that as far as he was concerned, the eggs in the hold of the ship were being used as weapons, with the Space Jockeys dropping them on enemy worlds and letting the aliens take over from there. In the AvP comic books, their origins are explored a little more thoroughly, but the stories are a little conflicting.

As far as the alien home planet, I’d like to know the answer to that myself, but I don’t believe it was ever explained. I always pictured it one of two ways –

  1. The aliens have been a little too successful as a parasitic organism and have infected every other creature on the planet. With no more hosts to continue the species, they eventually die off, leaving the planet void of life.

  2. In order to defend against such an aggressive parasite, the indigenous life has evolved even greater defenses than the alien. That is, if the alien has to be that terrifying to survive as a parasite, how much more terrifying must the host organisms be? The result is a planet filled with monstrosities too terrible to contemplate by human standards.

PS: “there is a moon off of mars that is compleatly covered in ice that looks similar to the ice in antartica.”

No, no there isn’t. Both Phobos and Deimos are tiny balls of rock.

Answer #2

um I love talkin bout extrial terrestril life but real life forms not from movies. those movies are full of poop.

there is a moon off of mars that is compleatly covered in ice that looks similar to the ice in antartica. they thing fish or somethin may live under it

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