Scoutmine was started in January of 2020. Since then, Scoutmine has grown in sales by 183%. ScoutMine is now deploying new techniques to pre-screen and find top startup founders and their Companies using advanced data collection methods using Artificial Intelligence to help make decisions. Scoutmine is now working to improve Scouting efforts by using our AI technologies to find and Scout some of the best Companies and founding teams all over the world. The goal of ScoutMine is to minimize r...


Who we are

ScoutMine is a ShopFund solutions business that specializes in Startup funding using various crowdfunding offerings. Our AI-based platform is designed to help investors and accelerators find promising startups in specific niches, offering Reg CF and Reg A funding solutions. With ScoutMine, you can access a wide range of shop fund solutions tailored to your specific needs.

What we Do

ScoutMine is an AI-based VC scouting and ranking solution platform that automates the entire scouting process. Our platform utilizes a state-of-the-art machine-learning algorithm to scan the web and collect a huge cache of promising startups that match the specific requirements of angel investors. We also provide detailed research on startup companies looking to raise capital, connecting you with the most qualified ones based on your criteria.

Our shop fund solutions are related to crowdfunding, including Reg CF, Reg A, Reg A+, and more. We offer funding solutions ranging from $50,000 to $75 million, catering to startups and private businesses seeking capital from the crowd. With options like Reg CF, Reg A, and Reg D, we ensure that you have access to the right crowdfunding options for your startup.

Why you should use us

ScoutMine is your go-to startup funding and regulations company for several reasons. After the JOBS Act law was signed into law, crowdfunding became easier to access for small businesses. However, navigating through regulations like Reg A+ and Reg CF can still be challenging. This is where ScoutMine steps in to provide expert guidance and support in understanding and complying with these essential regulations.

Our platform saves you time and money by streamlining the scouting process and connecting you with the most promising startups efficiently. We offer tailored insights into solutions and trends, ensuring that you find the right funding options for your business. With our expertise in equity crowdfunding and other funding solutions, ScoutMine is the trusted guide you need in the complex world of startup funding.

What can you ask?

  • How can ScoutMine help me find promising startups for investment?
  • What are the different crowdfunding options available through ScoutMine?
  • How does ScoutMine use AI technology to automate the scouting process?
  • Can ScoutMine provide insights into specific industries or niches for startup funding?
  • What sets ScoutMine apart from other startup funding platforms?

By asking these questions and more, you can gain a deeper understanding of how ScoutMine can assist you in achieving your startup funding goals. Let us guide you through the process and help you navigate the world of crowdfunding with confidence.

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