why is my bearded dragon not eating?

I try to feed him but he does not eat and he is in 95 degrees and he does not move at all and not ate in aroung 4 days im pretty scare can you help me?WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!

Answer #1

Also try switching his food. my sister’s bearded dragon stopped eating and it was because she was getting tired of the same old stuff over and over again and then give him attention.

Answer #2

same thing happened to mine, that went on for weeks until he died. we tried everything but nothing worked. the vet said he might have been depressed because he felt neglected, so give him some extra attention see how that works. I thought it sounded weird, I didnt know that a bearded dragon could become depressed but its worth try

Answer #3

How old is he? Because I haven’t had bearded dragons, but lizards usually get sluggish when they’re sick or dying.

Answer #4

I’m sitting with the same problem. We’ve done everything from feeding her canned dog food to honey water through a syringe(we were told to force feed her this through someone who’s been working with them for years) I’m really not sure what to do. Make sure she has a UV light. and make sure her cage is clean. I’m looking for a reptile vet, but they are few here in my area.

Answer #5

I’m sitting with the same problem as you. My beardie was doing just fine, then all of a sudden she just stopped walking around, and was just looking terrible.. this went on for about two days, and then my mom called this one guy we know.. He came in and said she was very dehydrated. He gave her honey water with a syringe and canned dog food. I have no idea what the dog food does, but we’re giving her that. We were using cat litter and he said that could be poisoning her. So yesterday we bought lizard sand. He saw we didn’t have that UV light in and said we needed to get one immediately. So now we’ve got that, but still seeing no changes. We have to force feed her though. Now basically we just have to wait and see…

Answer #6

hi my 4mth beardie has not eaten much for bout 4wks now eats bout1/2 locus aday am worried this is not enough, not eating a lot of veg but she is alert and lively and looks well her poo is fine, her hot end of the viv is 40 and the cool end is 30 she is bout 11inches long we think she is bout 4months old but not sure can you help.

Answer #7

our bearded dragon has not eaten properly since august last year he seems alert but sluggish temp ok in viv

Answer #8

First of all you need to stop feeding dog food! Offer a chicken based baby food and some squash baby food mixed through a syringe with a little water and supliments as well. Are you offering supliments at all? How old is your beardie? If you have a beardie under a year old I would raise the temps to 110f at least. If you have an adult, thje temps should be 95-105f. When was the last time your beardie pooed? It may be impacted from the kitty litter,and calcium sand is just as bad or worst! You need to use paper towel, repticarpet, a non adesive shelf liner, or tile for substrate. Your temps are not high enough to be using sand and calci sand clumps in their intestines like kitty litter and they are unable to pass it. It will kill your beardie! Which UVB lighting does your beardie have? Some of them have been causing serious health issues like all compact and coiled lights, so if you are using one of those, you need to shut it off and get the ReptiSun 10 tube UVB or a MVB if your tank is at least a 40 gallon breeder, 36x18x18. If you do offer supliments, does the calcium contain any D3? To much D3 is toxic for beardies and should only be offered once a week…

Good luck :)

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