Why don't I feel any symptoms,even after 4 weeks ?

I did my test and it was positive.But still I don’ t feel any symptoms than feeling a small ache at the stomach some times and I feel my stomach has become larger than past.

Is it not good travel so far daily?

Answer #1

If you have not already contacted a doctor of midwife then you will need to do so; they will be able to tell you what symptoms you should be expecting when. It is not uncommon for no symptoms to have appeared at one month in.

Look on sites such as:




They will tell you what to expect week for week, and can help to reassure you when your midwife is not to hand. By looking, I can see symptoms such as sickness may set in at around 6 weeks, but everyone is different, so do not worry if you take slightly longer to get them (in fact, think yourself lucky!)

It is important you stay active during pregnancy, so travelling long distances should not be a problem, just make sure you do not strain yourself or physically extert yourself too much. The guideline to know is that you should not be doing more than you did before you got pregnant: so do not start doing more exercise, but maintaining the same level is fine. You should always consult a doctor if unsure though.

I hope the links help. As long as you don’t experience heavy bleeding (some light spotting can be normal) or pains, then there should not be any problems. If you did a positive pregnancy test, you can be certain you are pregnant and everything should be going well. ood luck with the next 8 months :)

Answer #2

pregnant? some people have a bigger tolerance than others

Answer #3

You haven’t actually said what kind of test you took.. I’m guessing you’re pregnant?

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