Who. If im15 and pregnant and the father is 18,will he b and trouble?

I’m 15 and may or may not be pregnant. The guy I had sex with is 18. If I’m pregnant, will he be in any kind of trouble? besides with his family and mine of course..

Answer #1

why would a man have sex with a school girl?

thats pedofillia and disgusting!1

Answer #2

I’m afraid it is babe. It is considered rape because you are under 18, and not married 2 the father

Answer #3

yeah. the law considers it rape

Answer #4


Answer #5

yeaaa, because in the state law, that would be defined as rape.

Answer #6

yup rape

Answer #7

It depends on the the law in the state in which you live. Some it is legal (but very bad for the younger person - mentally), and some it is not. And in most it depends on whether anyone presses charges.

1.) Find out if you are pregnant. 2.) If you aren’t, get another boyfriend that doesn’t take advantage of young girls - AND use protection from now on. 3.) If you are pregnant, you need to get the support of your parents. I advise going first to the parent with whom you have the best, most sympathetic relationship - usually your Mother. Then you will have to decide whether to end the pregnancy, or continue it. If you decide to continue, please consider the possibility of putting the baby up for adoption, and by doing so giving him the opportunities he could not have if he was raised by an underage, unprepared (Probably single) mother.

In any event, I wish you the best of luck!!

Answer #8

I understand you conplitly, I went out whit a 22 year old, I’m 13 and tha is you know wrong, I just found out that going out whit someone who is an adult when you are still underage is illigal. I really don’t judge you, we all have our reasons and we all make mistakes. I myself did it because I felt I was worthless, and I found that out here on funadvice.

If you had sex whit him then that is considered rape. No matter if you wanted it or not. My ex was put into jail himself for that, and not only that is just that it’s a longer story than that. But it can be trouble for him. Soyes you cn be in trouble whit the law.

Answer #9


  • google for ‘Age of consent’ and the name of your state. This will tell you if it’s legal or illegal for your boyfriend to sleep with you. In some places, it is. In some it’s not.
  • use a pregnancy test.
  • put the terms ‘human reproduction’, ‘birth control’ and ‘sexually transmitted diseases’ into wikipedia and read. Yes I know the’yre long and its theory and all, but you should have known and understood these BEFORE you had sex.

hope you got lucky and are not pregnant. bye the sheep

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