What should I do to get rid of annoying pubic hair?

Well I get a lot of pubic hair on my armpits and I shave it every night and by the next morning it will have grown back. As I am a brunette I am worried that people will start noticing it. Does anbody have any suggestions??? X

Answer #1

kk soz how it is called pubic hair as I am only 13 so there ya go! thanx everyone really helped me! xoxoxoxoxoox:)

Answer #2

you can use hair remover, and it will come back but not as soon, my fair grows at the speed of light aswell,, eletric shaver would help aswell.. wash it with water then shave,

Answer #3

I get this too, and it looks dark, but why not try shaving them in the morning? but I was thinking about getting mine lasered when im sixteen but you can also get them waxed xx

Answer #4

How is it pubic hair if it is growing in your armpits? That would make it armpit hair. Dont wear sleeveless shirts all the time.

Answer #5

when I use hair conditioner instead of shaving cream I get a smoother shave that sometimes lasts longer :)

Answer #6

thanx at least someone who understands xoxox

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