What should I do about getting a rib tattoo?

So my boyfriend is a tattoo artist so I can get all the tattoos I want. I’ve been wanting my ribs done (from my bra line to my hip) for a while now. The design is roses with some swirls in between theres a lot of detail. I’ve never had a tattoo but I have my belly button peirced my tongue and my nose. Do you think I can deal with the pain? Can anyone compare the pain to anything?

Answer #1

It’s different for different people. For example, I’ve had two tattoos, one on my shoulder blade reaching across my spine and one on my upper right arm (my display pic) in my opinion neither of them hurt that much. The pain was tolerable for me. But in saying that even my tattoo artist was freaked by how I could sit through a seven hour session and not even flinch. The best way I can tell you how it feels is to say get a fork and just quickly and repeatedly hit one of the prongs against your skin. That is a lot how it feels. Also it depends where you get it done on your body as to how bady the pain is. When I was getting my spine done it felt a lille wierd because’ there are lots of nerve endings there. And if I could reccommend anything it would be to eat chocolate about 15 minutes before you get it done, just to replenish your blood sugar levels and help the adreniline kick in which soothes nerve endings, and slightly numbs the pain. Hopefully I have helped in some way :)

Answer #2

I didn’t think the pain was that bad tbh.

I have one and it covers my entire left hip… Going over the bone definatley hurts the most, but it was only enough to make me tense up and flinch at first… To me it felt like taking a small heated razor and pulling that through the skin over and over again…

I have many piercings but then pain from any of those just dosen’t compare to that of a tattoo… I can’t even think to connect the two…

Honestly I STRONGLY suggest getting something smaller first instead of your entire ribs, just so you can see what the pain is like, and when you go to get your larger one you’ll know what to expect, and will be able to handle it better… I decided to get my hip done first instead of my collar bones and I’ve very glad I did!

Oh and this is really random but I found that if I hold my breath while the artist was going over the bone it kinda dulled the pain a bit… I unno why but it helped me. =]

Answer #3

Haha, the pain sucks. I’m a bit of a weeny, but I cried for mine. Aside from the foot, the ribs are said to be the most painful part of the body to get inked (some say the ribs are the worst period). I got a rose on my lower back (see pic). It was pretty big and complex for my first one, or so I’m told. Mine took <1 hr, but it was painful - really painful. All I can compare it to is someone taking a needle and scraping your skin over and over and over again, only giving you little breaks in between. It’s rough, but some people handle it better than others.

I don’t know if you are getting color, but you can always break it into sessions. Do outline one, shading one and color the next. It’s up to you, but it is an option.

In the end, I love my tattoo and think it was well worth the pain. Hopefully you will too :) Good luck!

Answer #4

I havent got one either, but apparently its at first like someone pinching you while vibrating something fast in the same spot and scratching you with a pin lol.

you should go to your bfs tattoo place and ask to watch someone getting one done.

Answer #5

Men cry from getting tattoos, if its your first one then its likely. If you want to know what causes the pain, its the needle perforating your skin thousands of times to preserve the ink color

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