what diet works the best ???

I was wondering should I do a low carb diet before I start eating an alltogether well balanced diet? also what diets work well? I am not trying to spen boo coos of money and I dont want just a quick fix that will result in gaining it all back. im looking to loose about 50 lbs in the next 8 to 12 months… what do you suggest

Answer #1

I love the south beach diet… the first 2 weeks of the diet you lose weight pretty fast then you start adding back some other foods but you can stay on the 2 week plan for as long as you want to its great im planning on going back on it because I like to know what I can and cant eat

weight watchers is also great but you lose a little slower but you can eat whatever you want mny little sister was rather chubby and her weight was harming her health so she did weight watchers and she lost about 8 pounds in a few weeks but she looks much much thinner than 8 pounds

both are great good luck =]

Answer #2

carb diets don’t really work, I mean they do for a little bit but it’s not good. I don’t eat anything with butter or oil (I cook food in chicken stock, if I REALLY need to make something like fried eggs I use the cooking spray but only a LITTLE bit, also all my meat is fat free and lean, I don’t eat red meat. Lots of chicken and fish. Don’t eat pasta, if you do buy the expensive fiber/grain kind, and I don’t eat white bread, I buy low calorie Rye bread. Um there is a mayo outthere that is only 10 calories per table spoon, and hellman makes good non fat and low fat mayo too, so you can have stuff like that just keep it fat free. I try to steam my food, like veggies and rice and fish. Chinese food is a HUGE no no, that’s li ke the worst thing you can eat besides the rat meat in fat food burgers.

Answer #3

The one diet that really works is a lifestyle change. Regular exercise such as swimming, walking, aerobics, cycling and eating the amount of calories you need based on your height, gender etc- www.ahealthyme.com - go to the calorie needs section of this website to find out how many calories you need.

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