What causes a twitch ??

Well I’ve been getting this twitch in my right eye the last two days… it happens about every 20 minutes and lasts a few seconds.. its only a slight twitch and is not very noticable but its just starting to bug the crap out of me lol… what could be causing it and how do I stop it ?? Please help ?? Xo:)

Answer #1

Well I’ve been sleeping great the last few weeks … so I dont think its tiredness … Buts thanks for the answers anyway… Xo:)

Answer #2

yh, caused by tiredness I guess, I get it sometimes. Try drinking caffine like tea or coffee to wake you up a bit more

Answer #3

well, that often happens to me when I don’t get enough sleep. sometimes even if I dont have enough potasum in my diet. try eating a banana or two

Answer #4

its a nerve. nothing to worry about, it just gets annoying lol. but if it starts to hurt you should see a doctor.

everyone gets it. its just annoying. rub your eye and it should go away.

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