What are the cheapest and the expensive car colors?

When it comes to auto insurance, what are the cheapest and the most expensive color? And does automatic or manual make a difference?

Answer #1

A manual transmission is you shift gears manually by pressing the clutch as you increase speed while automatic transmission you don’t need any shifting, the car does it for you. But the price is a little bit higher compare to manual transmission.

Answer #2

O_o they base insurance over color?!?! oh and I think automatic makes it more expensive. not positive but almost.

Answer #3

It really shouldnt make a difference?

Answer #4

Color does make a difference. It makes a minor one, but nevertheless, the insurance companies assume that if you drive a flashy car, you’re going to be a reckless driver. Thus red and yellow are the most expensive insurance colors. It’s the same principle as a fast car costing more to insure than a slow one. People get fast cars because, well, they want to drive quickly. People drive bright cars to standout…standing out often leads to trouble. For the least expensive, I would guess white, black, or beige/gray. Those are the subtle colors that just don’t get into as many accidents as bright cars for some reason.

As for auto/manual, I’ve never heard of that making a difference. In theory, a manual may cost more because manuals are often associated with people who like to race, but that’s just a guess. Overall, it’s going top be the make, year, and mile of the car that are going to cause the biggest differences in your premiums. Good luck :)

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