What is a unique method of making a timeline of my life?

My teacher said the more unique it is, the better the grade we will get on it. It can be anything from 3-D to on the computer, to on poster paper. etc.

Answer #1

do a cool slide show with baby pictures! Or make a video, home videos from when you were little would be great!

Answer #2

Could you make it into something like a scrapbook? I think it would be cool if you got a scrapbook, and have each page portray that certain point in your life. You could make it really cute and fun by adding a lot of pictures and writing in cool fonts. Use construction paper, glitter, etc. Each page could kind of be like a collage. Another idea is to make a 3D diorama of your room ( examples: http://funadvice.com/r/15ob1in5ai4 ). Add different possessions or something in it from each point of your life, and include captions and pictures. Hmm. Or you could get a hanger and attach strings/yarn to it. Glue a caption/picture to the bottom of each string. Make sure it’s in order. Does that make sense? Haha. You could get one of those Styrofoam balls, cut it in half, and stick toothpicks with little flags attached to mark the date. Underneath each flag, write something or add pictures.

Answer #3

Thankyou so much! :)

Answer #4

You’re welcome!

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