TN felons and business license

can a convicted felon get auto dealer license?my offences did not pertain to car’s or the auto industry in any way.

Answer #1

Bullcrap on the above negative answers. The law says you may be denied a business license if the crime you committed pertains to the profession you are seeking a license in, or (and this may pertain to you) if the crime you committed was of such moral evil or corruption(turpitude) that you could never be trusted to run a business. I would apply for the license, and if you are denied based on your criminal history, get an attorney, and fight for your damn rights! All the way to the upper courts if you have to. You are an American citizen and one mistake (this is assuming your offense was not murder or sexual assault) should not damn you for life.

Answer #2

Sorry, ahlevi, but in the U.S. there are many states that have laws or regulations that prevent felons convicted of certain types of crimes from working in certain types of professions.

Answer #3

no because you have a felony offense (no matter what it is) you cannot ever hold an auto dealer’s license. it’s a federal law prohibiting such a thing. you also can’t work in any establishment that sells lotto and you can’t be a dealer in a casino.

Answer #4

Check with your state’s Business License office.

Answer #5

As 3 time convicted felon, who only did time for violating probation in the great state of Tennessee, but never served for any of the felonies, I can safely tell you that is is indeed, a fact, that you will never get a license or even a job, for that matter, in ANYTHING that DIRECLY pertains to your crimes. Example–I was a medical assistant–I went down 3 times for prescription forgery, I will never be allowed in any place where there are drugs or access to drugs. If you ASSAULTED someone such as an acquaintance of mine had done, she went thru Massage therapy school for nothing–she isn’t ALLOWED to touch people. I rather suspect that I not only am finished in working as a medical assistant, but probably could not touch people either, or handle money or any thing that requires handling of contracts such as real estate (money) banking (money) cosmetology (touching) and GOD only knows what else I have been prohibited from doing. Even though I am finallly out of the revolving door of crime(which they like you to stay in here in TN, and I was in that system almost 15 years–3 felonies, all put on separate probationary terms)if it weren’t for really good friends in established businesses, I would not have a job. TN wants you to stay in the revolving door of prison—find friends or do whatever it takes to get out of that revolving door–oh, I know so many people who are still going in and out, and in and out-you may never be able to do what your dream was, but you just have to find a new dream, or go somewhere else, cause in TN, once in the system, you belong to the state forever.

Answer #6

Not an answer…a question I am just now at my nine year felon charges. I have no arrest nor a driving ticket. Any body know where I would stand on getting a dealers lincense. I live in Tenn. Just wondering. Thanks for your inpute RLT

Answer #7

no you cant so dont wast your money on none refundable apps,but there is hope you can have you wife get the lics in her name ,and you can be a sales person under har l’s? good luck

Answer #8

Hello, I have a question! My husband has a felony from 13 years ago (vehicular homicide). Is a car dealers license completely out of the question???

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