the differnence between wasp and bee?

whats the difference between a wasp and a bee ?

Answer #1


Wasps have a leaner and longer build usually, with a smooth hairless exoskeleton. They also look more intimidating than bees. Bees have a more compact and sturdy build, with a fuzzy midsection (thorax), and an cuter overall appearance.


They exhibit similar temperament when solitary. The real determining factor is when encountered near the insects’ nests. Paper wasps can VERY aggressive when defending their nests, once they’ve build up sufficient numbers 4-6 or more. They’ll attack a threat together, and chase the threat away from the nest. This situation is where bees can be LETHAL. A single bee sting near the hive will emit a pheromone, which will draw other bees to its location to attack. Considering there are THOUSANDS of bees in a hive, the potential damage is FAR greater than that of a wasp nest.


Wasp have a smooth stinger, and they tend to latch onto their victim with their mandibles, and thrust their abdomen into the victim in a cirular pattern, stinging them repeatedly. Honey bees have a barbed stinger, and upon stinging, the stinger and venom gland are left in the victim. The bee flies away and dies, but the venom gland continues pumping venom into the victim until its removed. The contractions from the venom gland also cause the barbed stinger to burrow deeper into the skin. Its also more common for people to have severe allergic reactions to bee venom.


With a wasp, you can expect it to hurt more, because you’ll probably get stung multiple times… which sucks. With a bee, you get one sting… but it can pack a much bigger punch.

Answer #2

after a bee stings you they lose there stinger and die but a wasp can keep contiueally stinging you until it wants to stop so more dangerous.

Answer #3

Wasps can sting you multiple times, where as most other bees die after stinging once. The stinger on these bees have hooks at the end so when they go to retract the stinger it, well, basically pulls its insides out and it dies. Poet justice? Lol

Answer #4

the above answers are correct and try to avoid standing on a wasp as I stood on one at the weekend with bare feet and it hurt like hell

Answer #5

the name

Answer #6

wasp does not make honey
my answer

separated from ants and bees by having a stinger and no hair; bees have hair. A rough definition of the term wasp is any member of the aculeate family Vespidae. Almost every pest insect species has at least one wasp species that preys upon it, making wasps critically important in natural control of their numbers, or natural biocontrol. Parasitic wasps are increasingly used in agricultural pest control as they prey mostly on pest insects and have little impact on crops.

from wikipeadia

it that a good answer ?

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