tactoo...on the back of my neck any ideas?

I just turned 18 and I want to get a tactoo on the back of my neck but not sure of what.Any ideas?

Answer #1

You mean TATTOO. And be sure to get something meaningful to you. Don’t get one just to look cool or to fit in, get it because you honestly want it. If you need help picking something exact out or finding good, local places, or anything else along those line… feel free to funmail me. I’m good help when it comes to piericings/tattoos… I know my stuff and would be more than happy to help you out.

Answer #2

lol, tactoo.

Anyway. Don’t get a tattoo just to fit in or whatever, or because “everyones getting them.” Make sure it means something to you, because unless you cover it up or get it lasered off, it’s going to be with you for the rest of your life!

Answer #3

Most people get their astrological sign there. If you want to go against the norm, go for a symbol you enjoy, maybe a yin-yang or an ankh or maybe some oriental lettering. Just put a lot of thought into it!

Answer #4

First of all it’s Tattoo. Lol. Something you won’t regret later in life. So something that symbolizes who you are. Like you’re zodiac sign or animal.

Answer #5

Tactoo? I thought it was TATTOO… anyway, I’d listen to a7x… she gave good info.

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