Is the liquid in Swiffer Wet Jet Mop toxic to dogs?

Does anyone here know if the liquid, that is used in a Swiffer Wet Jet Mop, is Toxic in any way to dogs? Do you use a Swiffer Wet Jet around your pets and have you had any medical problems occur in your pets because of it? I’ve heard both sides! I’ve heard that the liquid is Toxic and that it’s Not Toxic! Of course I would let it dry first, but I was wondering if the residue left on the floor, when a dog licks it’s paws, would be harmful to the dog? Any information or experiences that you or a friend may have had, would be greatly appreciated. I’m just overly cautious and I don’t want to take any chances around my dogs. Thanks!

Answer #1

I read for years that dogs had died of kidney failure from licking floors where a Swifter Wet Jet was used…I honestly don’t know if that is true…if it happened to one dog who was sensitive to the chemical…or what.

I’m a “safe not sorry” type person…so threw my out with the next gargage and went back to a mop…


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