Should the Fed be shuttered?

The Federal reserve is an unellected organization with no Constitutional charter. They exist by mere legislative act. Today, we found out that not only has the Fed dispensed 2 TRILLION dollars worth of bailouts (more than what was authorized by the way), but also refuses to sau how that money was “invested”.

The Fed is an organization that has been highly secretive and highly questionable since it was implemented. Is it time to shutter the organization completely?

Answer #1

hahahahaha… thanks… lol. As long as you’re on board… I think we all are beginning to smell something rotten on Wall Street. I am glad that it is being scrutinized. Looks like we have some good minds here giving it their attention. That is what is really important.

Answer #2

miscegenymiser, I kept my answer short because I knew you would be by soon. lol

You are much better versed in the subject than I…

Answer #3

Yes, it’s time to shutter the federal reserve. They haven’t really done a great job as far as bail outs and such. We all have the right to know where our money goes too.

Answer #4

A guy by the name of Ron Paul :) introduced just such a bill over a year ago to the House: H.R. 2755. It seems to be stuck in committee at this point, but one can only hope it will come to a vote, giving Americans the chance to write their Congresspeople and urge passage.

Answer #5

I would agree…if I could vote on it, I’d say down with the fed.

Answer #6

Food for thought: Who actually controls the Federal Reserve?

Answer #7


Answer #8

Hallelujah and hosannas… The Fed Reserve Act is a derivation of the Aldrich Plan introduced by Sen. Nelson Aldrich but actually written by a consortium of bankers in an established cartel under the supervision of “Daddy Warbucks” Paul Warburg. It is an adjunct arm of Kuhn Loeb & Co. family-controlled banks headquartered in Germany… for all intents and purposes. Read Edward G. Griffins “The Creature from Jekyll Island.”

It was instituted in order to reduce the risks these international banks were taking when they set about financing the global wars that were meant to further the bankers’ interests as well as their coffers. Read Eustace Mullins’ “Secrets of the Federal Reserve.” This book can be found online… numerous sites…

Interestingly… Kuhn Loeb & Co. wrote our Federal Reserve Act bill… had familial ties with both the direction of our Fed Reserve and the German head of secret services during WWI… Paul and Max Warburg respectively… and financed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia…

“Mr. Bakmetiev, the late Russian Imperial Ambassador to the United States, tells us that the Bolsheviks, after victory, transferred 600 million roubles in gold between the years 1918-1922 to Kuhn, Loeb Company.”

“Czarism and the Revolution”, Gen. Arsene de Goulevitch

So we have a banking family brokering communism… financing capitalism and ensconced firmly in the war that ushered us into the modern versions of those seeming polar opposites. How much blood has been spilt to line their pockets?… how many homes foreclosed on?

It is the definition of insanity to leave them to play out their machinations on the global chessboard where we are the pawns.

It is past time that they are thrown out.

Ezra Pound is somewhere smiling.

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