Who should be the next President?

Who should be the next president??? Should we have our first female or first black president???(I have nothing againist women or black people and try not to make this a racial or sexes thing, I just want feed back about what people think on all these new canidates that dont really have that big of rep well not from where I am anyways, cough*vermontcough*.)

Answer #1

Barak Hussein Obama scares me…not because he is part African American, and not because he is Muslim…he scares me because he came from relative obscurity, with hidden driving forces pushing him into the spotlight all too pat, and all to rapid. There are many better Black men or women from which to choose..race shouldn’t be an issue, but there is always the arguement that white males have screwed things up enough…let’s give a woman, black, latina, asian…doesn’t matter…a chance. Hillary Clinton scares the be-jezus out of me…let’s face it Bill was a dumb hillbilly (like me) who married up, into the Rodham family. Hillary was the brains in the White House, and probably ran our country more than any woman since Eleanor Roosevelt. I cannot stand the Clintonistas…not because of the sexual escapade - to me it’s no big deal…Our commander in chief got a b.j. SO? He shouldn’t have lied about it. I dislike them for the cocaine smuggling, and the murders in Arkansas, and the Whitewater scam, and the Rose Law Firm scam, and Roger Clinton and Dan Lassiter and Don Tyson (Tyson Poultry) and the whole dope thing. Also the murders of Vince Foster, and Ron Brown. I guess I would have to choose Huckabee, or McCain. Both have shortcomings…but so do we all. The job is not “GOD” it is a mortal position, and Presidents have advisors and experts and are not expected to know and do everything. Sometimes you make a mistake. The thing to do is be honest, and admit it. Not like Bush with the W.M.D., and the bogus Yellowcake nonesense in Africa, that the D.C.I. told him was B.S. I would choose, and will vote for McCain. One thing I really respect about him, is that while a P.O.W. in Hanoi, the Viet Cong, and N.V.A. offered to release him, and he said NO! “There are men who have been here much longer than I, and one of them deserves to be released. That takes guts, and a quality of a man not too often seen.

Answer #2

I think Obama. Not that it effects me but whatever. I don’t think people are going to vote based on ‘first female president’ or ‘first black president’. People vote based on; their plan, their promise, their speeches, their proposals, etc.

Answer #3

yeah I just wanted to know who people think should be president.

Answer #4

How about the guy that the media ignores & yet he’s BY FAR THE BEST CANDIDATE OF THEM ALL…RON PAUL!

Answer #5

yeah I really think there all pretty similar

Answer #6

I think we need more options lol

Answer #7

John McCain.

Answer #8

I’m sure all the candidates worked hard to get where they are at - A nomination for presidency doesn’t just fall in one’s lap after all.

If you have a roof over your head, can read a book, (hell and you have a computer with internet access let’s not forget!) and food in your mouth I highly doubt you are “struggling to get by”. Maybe not living with the all the sweet comforts you’d like, but you’re definitely getting by.

As far as who should be the next president, I don’t find any of the candidates too promising. Huckabee and Obama seem to be the only ones at least a slight bit promising.

xox Sika

Answer #9

Does it really matter? Does any politician follow through on their promises when running? A person who has to actually work for a living needs to run this country. We are the ones who have to take all our hard earned money to pay for outrageous gas prices, health care, and personal care items(food,etc). If it were ran by a common man then the country would be a better place for us all! Nearly all of Washington is ran by old fkers who need to be kicked out and average joes(with education) put in who knows what true issues in this country that needs tackling other than aholes who are only interested in lining their own d**n pockets!

Answer #10

I totally agree with you, crzygr. The rich are getting richer and the rest of us are struggling to get by. Even here in Canada – our banks make a yearly profit of over 12 billion dollars and in the mean time, we pay them huge services charges and a box of checks cost almost $50. This is all so their shareholders can keep getting richer and richer. Its a complete monopoly - the average guy on the street has no choice. .

And our leaders are people who used to be lawyers, who have charisma and who can look good in TV debates.

But to answer the original question, I think Obama is the best candidate so far.

Answer #11

Ron WHO??? Just kidding…You are right, the media play a huge role in deciding WHO has a chance. Choosing whether to cover a candidate, and how small clips and sound bites can give mis-leading impression, and facts that responsible journalists must always be on guard against committing. The goal of a journalist (and we too are only human) is to ALWAYS distance one’s own opinions and prejudices, and tell the story as unslanted as possible. And, always strive to be FAIR! Unfortunately in a land where the Captive News Network (CNN) is the fodder for the masses…we fall short of unbiased and impartial journalistic ideals all too often.

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