parents separating :[

whats the best way to go about this? like I never expected this. I thought their fighting was just temporary. now it has the potential to get serious. im going to stay with my dad tonight, and I feel really bad about leaving my mom all alone for the night. she’s taking this really hard, because she never expected it to happen either. I think my dad did some things, not huge, like sex, but serious flirting, maybe some kissing too, but htose are just guesses based to the atmosphere of my house. its put me in a horrible situation because it could totally ruin my senior year, and like I hate to have my lil bro in this situation too. he’s only 11 and he will have to deal with separated parents growing up. I don’t know whats going to happen it was just nice to vent all this out there. thanks

Answer #1

well im not as old as you but me parents seperated and I am still kinda sad about it but you will get over it…and it might now happen you said so if they dont that will be great

Answer #2

my parents split when I was 2 but it was horible at first but it got better and so will yours it has its up and downs but after all its ok but it suckes when one parents lives 4 hours away so yah but if you need any help im here for you and tour brother.

Answer #3

its bad at these times I should know.. My mum left my dad 2years ago. it was I long time coming it looks like my dad was similar to yours, one day when my dad went to work my mum made us pack everything and we left before he got home.. It was really hard on both of our parents especially my dad koz he ddn see it coming.. but in time it does fall into place and you will get use to it, you will need to spend time evenily between them 2 and it gets really hard when its xmas or new year because the both want to spend the night wit u, you shouldnt let it get to you bkoz at the end its whats best for both your parents

Answer #4

alright bro chill you get through this I cant feel exactly how you feel but I have had it ruff to my parents split up when I was 3 me and my brother and sister stayed with my mom most of the time we would go stay with our dad on some weekends that is until my mothers ex husband murdered her. I was only 5 and I saw the whole thing I still remember the whole thing ya it was extremely horrible. it was hard having to move in with my dad and his wife me and her always fought my life was terrible but im 18 now gonna graduate in a few months and I’ve made this far. if I can go through that and make it you can too. the only thing I remember telling me back when I was little was “what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger” that quote has helped me go through so much and it always works for me so hold your head up high and persevere through it. I know you can do it.

Answer #5

Sorry for the hard times - you know, but reassure your brother it is not you guys fault, you did nothing to cause or be able to prevent this situation - it is ‘Their’ issues that must be worked out - be supportive of both - not taking sides - do not allow yourselves to be used to gain information on the other, neutral - this too will pass and may not even happen - your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Answer #6

My mum and dad split when I was 5, now im 15 I think it was the best thing that ever happened, I got 2 sisters and a brother a neice and a nephew and a wonderful step mother, but I know I was only little, but I still remember how I felt that night I sat in my room and cryed for 5 hours non stop, it hit me really hard, cause we used to be soo close the three of us, and then just one day, it wasn’t there any more I’d be passed from mother to father then they’d argue over me and sometimes it was hard, when my mum would slag my dad off and ask me if I agreed then my dad would do the same and it was really bad cause I loved them both. but I guess you just have to deal with it, its your mum and dads problem not yours and you could have done nothing to prevent it? you just got to help you little brother and be there for everyone

the thing I regret about not doing, is knowing why they split cause to this day I don’t know why? Ask them why and try and be there for both of them

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