What do owls eat?

I have this pet baby owl..lately it doesnt eat anything..I tried to feed it chicken flesh and even hunt for lizards around the house,force it to eat but I wouldnt..what do owls realy eat?

Answer #1

“Their diet includes invertebrates (such as insects, spiders, earthworms, snails and crabs), fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds and small mammals.”

 I got this from the website:


refer bac 2 this if you need more info=D. I also found out from this website that in the USA and Australia, it is illegal to own owls unless you have special permission, so I hope that you know what you are getting into. it may akso be illegal in other places, so you may have 2 check out the law in your area.

Answer #2

Baby owls eat regurgitated food from their mothers. They can’t eat by themselves. Take it to ASPCA or a wildlife control group. If not it will probably die. Good Luck!!

Answer #3

They eat rodents, that’s for sure…ya better get some mice…

I don’t think they are scavengers, tho…so they might want their food live…


Answer #4

you need to let it out and try to hunt on its own its netrul instinct willkick in if that doesnt work then ask you vet

Answer #5

I don’t know but maybe you should do some research about animals

Answer #6

it’s a baby, they dont hunt go to the vet…

Answer #7

mice,yes..skunks..,I dont think so..thx though..

Answer #8

a pet owl? is that even legal?

Answer #9

I heard that owls eat mice and SKUNKS!

Answer #10

food I think

Answer #11

the prob,I found this owl..alone..in the store room..

Answer #12

definately mice, I’ll do some research and get bac 2 ya=D

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