How to help my dying puppies?

I have 4 6wk old pups and they are dying from a virus called parvo and I want to know if there is some thing I can do to help them so they wont suffer any ideas?

Answer #1

Well, the best you can do is take them to the vet…if there is nothing better for them…they might have to put them down so they won’t suffer…my friend on here called here2help had a puppy that caught it and they had to put her down…I’m afraid there might be nothing to do unless you take them to the vet quick!

Answer #2

Well it takes time for a pet to recover, but if it goes on to long they are going to suffer and than die. It would be better if you took them in to be put down.

Answer #3

It’s a virus…so there is no anti-biotic or magic potion to help them…the best you can do for them is supportive care…keeping them warm, hydrated, and prayer…it’s now a matter of “survival of the fittest”…you might save one or two…

I take it the mother didn’t have shots? Or are they orphans, and had no colosturm when they were born?


Answer #4

Stop asking people on the internet for advice and take them to the vet.

Answer #5

hmm I read the mortality rate for puppies was 80% but im sure your vet knows what s/he’s talking about… I dont think there’s much else you can do for them, I am sorry, it sounds like a horrible disease :(

Answer #6

The picture I have is my puppy that died from parvo. =[ Please take them to a vet right away! It will be pricy though, whether they survive or not. Mine didn’t live and another warning is you’ll have to clean your house a lot (with something like bleach) if you plan on having more pups some day, or they can catch it and the same thing could happen. (Parvo stays in the ground for I think 9 months) Look it up or ask a vet for more accurate and just more information. Good Luck! I wish you and your puppies the best.

Answer #7

Well, aside from vaccines (the 5-in-1 protects against parvo and can be given at 6 weeks, but if they already have it, it’s too late), you just need to give them the meds.

Parvo effects their neurological system. If you notice dilated pupils or twitching, it’s probably time to say goodbye to them. Take them to the vet for euthanasia.

If they are vomiting/diarrhea-ing and not holding in liquids, see if the vet can give them fluids. I’ve heard of puppies surviving parvo, but not many survive at the shelter where I work.

Good luck.

Answer #8

thats the problem I already took them to the vet and they gave me meds. and tell me to wait and see what happens?

Answer #9

if there’s no chance of survival, the vet will put them down for you… atleast they wont have to suffer

Answer #10

parvo will kill them fast you need to take them to the vet asap!!!

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