My sisters 5th birthday

Ok so my sister is turning 5 in two days and I have no Idea what she likes and haven’t gotten to ask her.does any one know what a 5 year old girl likes

Answer #1

my lil girl turns 5 in 6 days and she loves hannah montana and the jonas brothers

Answer #2

most likely disney stuff…like one of the princess…thats what I got my niece

Answer #3

Dolls or accesoreies (sorry for the spelling)

Answer #4

Dolls,Hannah montanah

Answer #5

at 5 girls usually like barbie dolls and girly things princess things (crown,wand, costume, ect) cute fluffy toys ponies toys disney characters, ect but she might be a tomboy and like cars or something else instead just ask her what she likes or what her favourite things are have a look at her room and stuff and go by that you could also ask your mum and dad if they know what she likes

Answer #6

My little girl just turned 4 and I bought her some fish. Maybe that would be a cute idea with a small 5 gallon tank.

Or maybe you could plan a trip with her to a zoo or something. These kindof things are very special.

Answer #7

dolls like bratz or polly pockets. see what she plays with now and try to get the newest version of that if you can or get her doll clothes

Answer #8

Idoo! lol I live with a 7 year old and a 2 year old haha and they love tho’s for real babydoll’s they kinda cost a lot but there worth it what ever you do dont get her something she can lose the peaces too

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