My niece is asking about emancipating herself

my nice recently gave birth to a little girl who is about 3 months old now. she recently started a job as she quit school last year . her school advised her to not attend for the school year until the baby was born. in the meantime, she has taken classes and passed her pre-test for her GED. Now, the school will not sign to allow her to quit even if she passes her GED. IT seems that no matter where or what she does to better her situation someone is always throwing a wrench in her plans and dreams for her and her baby’s future. I know that her legal guardian, her grandmother, just had open heart surgery and also finished chemo and radiation therapy for multiple cancers. Her grandfather (who is approximately 76 years. old) has a substance abuse problem, that no one seems to want to address. The grandparents are constantly arguing and fighting, which is also an unhealthy homelife for a newborn and a teenager. The grandparents also struggle with their mortgage payment, medications, food, etc., and having a newborn has put another burden on their fincial problems. Any help for this teen mom and her baby to get emancipated? Her father was discharged from prison (his 2nd or third one) about 4 years ago. He takes interest in the teen daughter when seems go right, but last year pretty much dumped the pregnant daughter back into the grandparents home due to her pregnancy. Her mother has been thrown out of th U.S. due to selling illegal drugs (father’s charges were similar.) The mother was not a legal U.S. citizen and was deported back to Mexico upon her release from prison and has now started a new life and has 3 new children. She is unable to help her daughter in any way. HELP!!! As you can see by my writing that this teen and her baby definitely seem some counseling, financial assistance and legal help as well…ASAP Thanks A Concerned relative

Answer #1

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!    

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You don’t say how old she is or what state she lives in. That information is necessary to giving any advice.

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