Is this what is meant by 'Pandering' ?

Hillary Clinton just said “Homosexuality is not immoral”….I have seen many pictures of her leaving church with the Bible under her arm and she has stated she is a Christian….yet the Bible clearly states (verse: Leviticus 18,22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.)…I’m wondering, do you think she never read it or it is just ‘Pandering’ ?

Answer #1

I beleive all the Bible to be the unfoulable word of God….if God said it, I beleive it and that settles it…..Jesus Christ - one either accepts Him or rejects Him - no gray area.

Answer #2

Just ran across this “Food for Thought”:

Isn’t Hillary’s belief that homosexual acts are moral as much of a personal view as General Pace’s belief that homosexual acts are immoral?

Answer #3

maybe she only applies the bible teaching to herself i find that is a good idea, it is up to God to judge others.

besides something can be a sin and not be immoral

Answer #4

pandering is when you hit someone with a panda. the easiest way to do this is grab a panda of any size by its ears and swing it at the person that is “pandering” you. thats the real meaning of the word.

Answer #5

(edited to put in politics, though this could be in religion as well).

I think politicians “pander” all the time…democrats, republicans, etc.

Answer #6

Great Moments in Pandering ™ :

  • Republican politicians stating their family-values bona-fides
  • Newt Gingrich impeaching Clinton
  • Hilary in that fake accent at the recent Civil Rights occasion. (icky pandering)
  • Republicans saying “Support the Troops”

All the other examples turned out to be hipocritical at the end. Hipocracy is the end result of pandering. Except Hillary has been know to support gay rights, so she probably can be accused of pandering, but in the end not hipocracy:

  • Republicans stating their family-values bona-fides – (but falling to ethical and sexual scandals)
  • Newt Gingrich impeaching Clinton – (but having an affair at the same time)
  • Hilary in that fake accent at the recent Civil Rights occasion. (icky pandering)
  • Republicans saying “Support the Troops” – (but really not giving them the actual support that they need – health care, general veteran support, armor in combat, pushing them back into duty before sufficient rest)
Answer #7


Accepting homosexuals does not affect the heterosexual population one iota. America is rapidly rejecting gay bashing. This is why so many people (young and old) were upset with General Pace.

I know many gay people that are 100% more moral (where it counts) than you and I. Where it counts, is doing right with your fellow man, taking care of god’s creations and accepting your fellow human beings for who they are.

These are the things that Jesus taught. Todays conservative republican christians are not following these tenets.

Answer #8

that is an ongoing debate but i guess it depends on your opinion of the bible. i truly believe that saying homosexuality is wrong is as wrong as saying blacks are not equal to whites. In slavery times the whites told the blacks that the bible says that blacks are not equal also, to munipalte the blacks into thinking whites superior this as we know is not true,. I truly believe that some parts of the bible where manipulated by people other than god, i am a full christian i am not homosexual but i truly believe that god can only decide wether or not people should be discriminated against. Even if this is a sin its just the same as theft, lying, cursing these are also sins that happen every day so i believe that before people get to judge others they should evaluate themselves first. No disrespect, iam just viocing my opinion on this matter and agreeing with hillary clinton in this matter

Answer #9

Some scholars believe that Leviticus 18:22 was more about not participating in Canaanite fertility festivles than about the homosexual act itself. The term translated into abomination literally means “to become unclean.” Unclean = Gentile so Leviticus 18:22 may have been more about not mingling with Gentiles than about not having homosexual relations.

Leviticus forbids all sorts of things.

Having sex durring a woman’s period. Eating animals without split hooves. Fish without fins or without scales (sorry catfish lovers) Sex until 33 days after birthing son or 66 days after birthing daughter. Clothing with different kinds of material Planting of fields with different kinds of seeds. Trimming hair on sides of beard or sides of head.

Modern Christians happily ignore most of Leviticus except the bit about homosexuality. I guess some parts of the Bible are more important than others; especially the ones that help reinforce believers prejudice.

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