Is it right?

Is it right to sacrifice the life of one to save the life of another? In ANY situation

Answer #1

This is NOT an abortion question ty

Answer #2

Depends on the situation. If it’s like I will kill one of your family member if you dont pay me kinda stuff no. If its like your pregnant and it’s either you or the baby that dies, then yes, this is still wrong though. so I don’t know ha

Answer #3

I think that answer would be up to the person involved, if say a boat turned over and you could either save yourself or the other person, I think most would save themselves unless it involved a loved one. I dont think anyone could answer that question except the person who is in that situation.

Answer #4

I think its a brave and heroic thing to do. I remember a story about a U.S soldier in Iraq who gave his life by throwing himself on a grenade to save the others around him I think he recieved a medal of honour

Answer #5

Right by whom? to you? to society? to your god or gods?

I would die for my sons, that’s it and that is right by me and that’s all that matters.

Answer #6

I would never… but if I had to choose and the choices includeed animals I would sacrifice that lol no a human espeassialy friends or fam… no way!

Answer #7

depends on what it is. like if you were trying to save someones life, then yeah it would be. but like if it came down to you or somone else dyin then I wouldnt do it. unless maybe it were family. not to sound conceited.

Answer #8

I agree with emiedawn, I could see it being right if you were doing in order to save anothers life

Answer #9

There is a true story I heard once about sacrifice.

A father, son, and a friend of the son; Mark were out fishing when the boat capsized throwing the trio into the swift current of the river.

The father swam to shore, grabbed a rope, and tied a life ring onto it. He then realized that the two boys were too far apart, and that he’d have to save only one. The father threw it to his son’s friend, Mark.

After he was safely brought to shore, the father began searching the shore line for his son. After what seemed an eternity, he spotted his son. His lifeless body had been snagged by a low tree branch that jetted out into the water.

Over the years Mark became part of his friend’s family. The father made sure he was involved in Mark’s life; he took him fishing, little league practices, base ball games, family camp outs, and to church every week where he was baptized two years after the fishing disaster.

After his graduation from medical school, Mark was taking a much needed break from all the studying, classes, and stress, so when he was invited on a fishing trip, Mark eagerly accepted gladly.

He and the father went for a lazy day of fishing at the same place where the father’s son had drowned many years before.

Mark finally got up the nerve to asked the burning question he’d dare never to ask;

“Why did you save me instead of your own son”

The Father said with a catch in his voice,

“I saved you that day Mark, because Johnny was already a saved little Christian. I knew right then, beyond a doubt, what God wanted me to do.”

You see, God gave us His only Son; Jesus, so that we may be saved. Without God’s precious gift to mankind, we all would have been lost forever.”

Mark stood there as tears ran down his cheeks. All he could say thank you over and over. He finally understood the love of the Father, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever so believes in Him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life.

Answer #10

that depends. I would sacrifice my own life to save somebody else’s but I would be able to be all ‘No!! Dont kill that person … Kill this one!!’ I could never put somebody elses life in danger like that. But I would definately jump in front of a bullet for someone. Even if they were a stranger.

Answer #11

Our desire to survive is VERY strong. I would kill someone if they were trying to kill my son or my mother. I would hope that I would try to save them even if it meant my own death. I would do that for them, die or kill to save their lives.

Answer #12

If your child is dying, needs a heart transplant… yours is the only one that matches, would you die for them? I would. It all depends on the situation.

Answer #13

Not in ANY situation but in some situations, Yes!

Answer #14

Right ort wrong, if it came down to a stranger vs. one of my kids, you’d best hope you’re not that stranger.

Answer #15

I’m with ty, sounds like an abortion question…

Answer #16

is this another abortion argument?

Answer #17

no, its not

Answer #18

depends lol

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