How to solve percentage math problems?

How to solve percentage math problems?

Answer #1

To solve a percentage math problem, you can easily set up a proportion.

example: What is 13% of 52? x 13 — = — 52 100

now cross multiply (do this by criss-crossing and multiply the crisscrossed numbers.) so,

100x=676 /100 /100 x=6.76

6.76 is your answer

Answer #2

Answer is $1000 selling at 95% of 1000 is 950 profit of 50 950-50=900, store kept $50

selling at 80% of 1000 is 800 loss of 100 800+100=900, store had to add $100

Answer #3

105 % 5 =

Answer #4

how to solve math percentage problems?

Answer #5

if shop sells a video recorder at discount of 5% it will make profit of $50.If it sells teh video recorder at a discount of 20% it will make lose of $100.Find the cost price of the video recorder.

Answer #6

A cross section of a standard or nominal two by four board actually measures 1.5 in by 3.5 in. The rought board is 2 in by 4 in. but is planed and dried to the finished size. What percent of the wood is removed in planing and drying?

Answer #7

if the percentage increase from 108 to 1662 ia the same as the increase from 44 to what number?

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