How do you know if you are having your period?

Like I meen when your acutaly bleeding, I havn’t started my period yet and I need to know what its like to have your first period and what it feels like and how you know its happened? Please help x.

Answer #1

The best way to tell is if your pmsing, PMS stands for Premenstrual syndrome. Your definitely going to get cramps from all of this and they happen during the first 5 days of your period. The reason why your going to get cramps is because your uterus is shedding the lining and in order to do that it has to act in spasms. A chemical called prostaglandin causes the uterus to contract for extended periods of time, usually depriving it of oxygen thats what causes the cramps. The hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone rise and rise until about 4 days before the next period, then they suddenly drop (if fertilization has not taken place) this causes more discomfort, emotional imbalance, and irritation.

You can usually feel the pain around your lower abdomen and your back, this pain happens a bit earlier than the actual flow, I would pay attention to it. Sometimes you might have tender breasts because of your flow, all in all when you get your period you can find out just how unpleasant it actually is. Also if the pain is abnormal and is excruciatingly painful then you might have a condition called dysmenorrhea.

On a side note, not all women have the same symptoms of an incoming period so don’t expect to have tender breasts or something like that. You might be very moody and have angry outbursts. Just be aware that this doesn’t apply to every girl.

Hope that helps.

Answer #2

I started mine about around Thanksgiving but anyways to me it feels like you are wetting your pants.If you don’t have a pad or tampon with u, use toiet paper or something.Most of all,don’t panic.After maybe oh I don’t know 2 or 3 days you will get some cramps on the tummy area(LOL!!!Tummy area!I crack myself up!!!Lol!Sorry!Oh sorry.)Hope that helped!

Answer #3

well I don’t know if im the best person to be answerin this because I just started my period last month. Well, your certainly gunna b able 2 know when you start your period. If your scared about it or wondering if you started yet, just ask your mom. Shes been doin this for years. But when I started, I saw blood on the tissues and then I started seeing blood in the toilet. It wont all gush out of ya but you will see some blood. Hope this helpd :) and bein on your period is like your a pregnat woman. Lolz. But thats kinda the way you act!:)

Answer #4

yes thank you!

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