How do I start a scary story?

Okay I really want to write a story and impress my friends and family but I have writters block I use to write storys all the time and now I feel pressure can someone help or have an idea how to start a scary story?

Answer #1

A knife, a corpse, and blood. This is what I saw in the dark room. What did I do?

If you’ve got writers block just read or something that will give you ideas

Answer #2

if you have writer’s block then just break. Don’t push yourself, don’t feel pressure. You shouldn’t force yourself, you should let it come naturally. Just break for a bit until you feel the need to write again, the flow of the words, ect. It’ll come.

Answer #3

briefly describe a quiet, gloomy place, begin the sentence with nouns and adjectives, immediately pose a terrible thing that happens to someone and break the silence by describing a horrible noise in the scene

Answer #4

start of with… down the misty road I could hardly see but when I got that quick glimse of light I saw the most blood chilling thing ever thought possible .

Answer #5

my heart beats fast.. my breath overbears my pulse, but yet, I can feel it through my whole body.. little did I know, this is not even close to the fear I’m about to experience. (: hahahahhahaha

Answer #6

George W, through a new law, began his 3rd term as US president by announcing free money for banks and the invasion of…

Answer #7

Once upon a time, a man from the IRS knocked on the door…

Answer #8


Answer #9

Read great books.This is my example:The air was cold in the woods.My thoughts going through my brain were faster than the speed of light.My hands were shaking,I was freezing in this cold(whatever state you are in,north states like Ohio,NY,Penns.,Wiscon.etc no places warm most of the year cause then it won’t make any sense.)My heart was pounding as loud and fierce as a drum.

Answer #10

Maybe a noise or”My whole body was shaking.My heart was pounding and was shocked that the trees didn’t shake because of it.I had to get away.Far away.All of my thoughts were in a blur,going a thousand miles per minute.I didn’t care.I had to get away.It felt as my legs had fallen apart because I ran so long.I had to keep going.My vains were on fire.I could not see a thing.But I had to keep going.I had to-(scream really loudly!)Lol!That freaked my friends OUT!!!ROTFL!!!

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