How do I get myself out of this lie I told?

I told my friend that I’m going to this dance with this boy- Matt. I don’t know why I did it, I think I just wanted to make myself feel better and brag. It turns out that my friend wants to come to the dance too, and she wants to meet Matt! I’m not even sure if Matt is going to the dance! I know he likes me, but he never asked me out to go to that dance! Help! How do I tell my friend that I’ve lied to her, and that Matt never asked me out!? If I come clean, she might get angry and might not even come to the dance, so I will be left all alone!!! What do I do!?!?

Answer #1

well you could just tell matt to come to the dance w/ you.I mean don’t make it to awkward to the point where he thinks YOU are asking him out..I mean you are but you should just play it cool and just say something to make it sound get me?lol I’m sorry if it doesn’t really make that much of sense to

Answer #2

haha yeah I get what you mean XD problem is that I dont have his phone # so instead I msgd him but he like NEVER goes on a social site! so I actualy have no idea if hes coming or not. if he does, its gonna be weird, cause my friend will be like “ooh so you asked olga out???” and he’ll be like “what?” proving me as a LIAR D:

Answer #3

pretend your ill before the dance, and stay in, or go to the dance and say matts ill, only if you know he deffinatly isnt going! or say youv had a fall out with him! so even if he is there then it works, ummm maybe say he’s being wierd to you so you dont think your going with him anymore? hope once of them helped!

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