How do I get into Harvard?

ok my dream college is Harvard University,i’m going 2 be a sophmore next year & i know it’s really hard to get a scholarship from their, but i know i can. Problem is: this summer, due to lack of money & other things i haven’t been able to do any activities 4 school, but as soon as school starts i’m going 2 be involve, also i’m learning english but i can have a normal conversation with ne one.I’ve been in The U.s 4 only 2 years, but i’ve made the honor roles every semester.Now is it to late 4 me to apply because this summer i haven’t done nething at all?, or do i still have a chance to get into my dream school?

Answer #1

well I’m also aiming for Harvard and I sugest you get there reading list if you read all the books on that list you will increas you’r chances of geting in.

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