
Does anyone out there believe in astrology? (like, your sign defines your personality?) I read my horoscope (sagittarius/capricorn cusp) and it practically knows my life, it’s very true! But it seems like too many people are skeptical about astrology & horoscopes…is there anyone who wants 2 offer their opinion on it??

Answer #1

A little here, also…I don’t use it to predict my day, week, or year…but the fact that I can actually recognize a people of certain signs…not all, but Scorpios never escape my notice, nor Aries…


Answer #2

astrology is very interesting. I do believe in most of it but there are just so many sites and you’d need to find a liable resource which I don’t know what to do. I do believe in most of it. other times I don’t want to because of the fact that I’m earth and my boyfriend is air… but yes. I do pretty much believe in it.

Answer #3

Well, yes and no

I believe that when you read them in papers and what not, they are usually pretty vague, so you can usually apply them any way you wish, so they will always work in a way. Sometimes tho, its scary how accurate they can be.

As far as personalities go, I find that generally people seemt to fit their horoscopes and zodiac signs pretty well… the person I am closest to ended up being a complementary sign with mine on the zodiac… coincidence? Don’t rule your life by those rules, but certainly take them into consideration.

Answer #4


Well, I belive… a little…

I think some things in our personallity are our own stuff. Some stuff we get from school, friends, parents, etc…

But yeah, I’m just what my horoscope says (most of the time…). I won’t say it’s all a lie.

Plus, it says my girlfriend’s horoscope and mine are the best for each other in terms of relationship and sexual stuff… And she’s perfect for me :D includin’ in bed ^^

So, yeah…

Answer #5

definitely I am following the general trend here.. I entrust my entire life to the universe and am a STRONG believer and practitioner of Astrology. I do however, believe you should look for a source that you can comfortably trust. If you don’t find one, it’s not for you!

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