Tips for high school?

I am going into high school this year. What are some good tips for me, I would really appreciate anything!

Answer #1

I am not in high school just yet but here is what I have eard:Smile to everyone.Say nice things about pple.Like “I like your shoes”or”I like your hair”list is 4ever but just have fun!Good Luck!

Answer #2

-Don’t hang around the bad crowd -Pay close attention in every class/not being distracted -Stay away from fights/drama -Do your work at all times and no slacking off -Respect your teachers cause they are not all the same -Make some good friends that have some stuff in common with you -Ask the teacher for help and not care if people look at you funny -Help your teachers out when nobody else will -Do not talk when the teacher is talking or if someone is giving a presentation -Be yourself and not a jerk -Help others with their work if your able to -Sit with some intelligent kids but also some funny ones to keep you awake -Be well prepared cause it’s not as simple as middle school -Don’t back-talk the teacher -Do your best not to get into trouble -Follow the dress code or you will get into a little bit of trouble -Don’t pick on people once you have settled in the school -Make wise decisions when it comes to certain things -Don’t make huge scenes out of something small -Participate in class discussions

The list goes on

Answer #3

don’t pretend to be something you are not. don’t wear make up unless you want to-I.e-don’t follow other girls/mates -be yourself, its hard, really hard, but dont let people change you no matter what.

-never talk 1 ounce of crap. keep secrets to yourself, dont spluge any gossip, it will get you in trouble, and if you want people to trust and respect you, shut your mouth.

  • be active!! do good in school, grades etc. -go for sports, only be a cheerlearder if you are truley good at it. -never sport hoochie clothing(you dont want guys to think of you like”that”.
  • Be Nice!! yes, to everyone, the geeks the band nerds, the drama club, the punks ect.

-be nice to your teahers!! no matter how much they bug you, as long as you go to class, and try your best, they will respect you.

Getting around to lessons:

A lot of schools have guides, these are fifth year students who take you to your classes and make sure you know where you’re going. They do this for the first five days and it’s a really good thing.


Don’t worry about homework, you will be able to get it done if you put your mind to it. For the first couple of weeks I’ve barely had any homework but it will go up gradually which is good - you don’t get loads right at the beginning.

Answer #4

dont look for drama. and dont walk in thinking youre all bad a** just be normal.’be yourself. its not as complicated as you think. its like you starting 6th grade again… its not a big deal as long as you know people

Answer #5

Don’t try to make a huge scene, just because you were the sh!t in middle school, don’t mean anything. Try to make new friends (upperclassmen) and don’t get too attached to the seniors, they’re leaving.

Answer #6

ok main ting is don’t go der actin like your big shiet just go and chill talk 2 people make new friends because you mite not keep all your old 1z. and just go have fun b you and don’t let no 1 get 2 u

Answer #7

Don’t follow the crowd believe me on that.

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