Growth on my cats pad on her paw

My cat, she is 8 years old, has something growing on her front paw pad in the center of it. I saw it about two months ago because was limping and pulled it out with tweezers. I noticed he limpining again today and it has grown back. It looks like a wart…it is grey colored (looks like skin grew over itself and got hard. like a little hard rock) it is about 3 mm and circular. Can cats get warts?? does anybody know what this is?

Answer #1

I have no idea. but it’s probably painful for her. take her to the vet.

Answer #2

This is a new one on me…so like layashea said…get her to the vet, so he can remove all of it…(if it is in face a wart, it has “roots”)…


Answer #3

I have no idea. but it’s probably painful for her. take her to the vet.

Answer #4

Hello. I experienced something very similar with my cats. I have 4 cats. Ironically the only 2 cats that fot this were my two grey ones. The growths hardened and seem to be falling off over time as if the growth turns into some kind of scab. On one of my cats, he has a new growth on a smaller pad not used for walking (further up the leg) It is a long and narrow protrusion. It has not yet started to harden. Like others, my vet had not seen this before and suspected warts. My cats are totally indoor, and the only exposure out of the house is to the vets. One cat is 5 and the other is 10. Just prior to my cats having this problem, I did have a bout with all cats with feline acne shortly after changing them from hard food to wet at the vets advice. Not sure if any of these details matter, but I wanted to share just in case.

Answer #5

My cat has the same thing. It’s apparently quite common for cats to have extra keratin growth on the end of the toe pads; they call them horns and they usually cause no problems. My cat had a big one on the end of the pad and eventually yanked it off herself. Now she has a big one on the center pad of her are paw and a small one in the middle pad of the L paw. She doesn’t lick at them or tug at them, but she does limp. The vet had no idea but offered to excise it, but it’s so big it would remove 1/4 of the pad. Then we’d have a big wound with a dressing to worry about. And they seem to be all over, like it’s just the way she is. I decided to try cortisone at home with the blessing of the vet and there’s no change in 4 weeks. I think it’s idiosyncratic – just the way it is. I wonder if excision would solve it. I suspect not. Anyone ever get an answer to this? :(

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