Going to an out of country college?

I’m not sure if I really want to do this or not but I was recently thinking about going to a college in a different country, I was just wondering what the rules and regulations would be to that and if anyone thinks that would be a good idea or not. Maybe to some country like Ireland or some European country. I’m just looking for as much detail as I can get. Thanks

Answer #1

I think it would be a bad idea unless you already had relatives there.

The world is going to be going through some drastic changes during the next few years and you would probably be a lot safer in your own country. Also, you would be being distracted from your educational studies because of the time necessary to be familiarizing yourself with the local culture and customs.

Answer #2

If you’re not 100% sure why don’t you find a course that has an added year abroad? I am going to be studying Russian and in my 2nd year I stay in Moscow, attending University there. My friend is going to study Astronomy and she gets to spend a year in America! It’s great because you get to experience a year in a different country with the knowledge that you still get to go home if it doesn’t work :]

Answer #3

I’d miss the USA too much but it would definitely be a learning life experience…Good luck with whatever you decide !!

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