Is my friend ignoring me and talking behind my back?

to me it feels like one of my friends is kinda ignoring me and I think she may be talkin about me behind my back or that she is just being nice to me b/c she HAS to not b/c she WANTS to…I’ve tried talkin to her about this but she just kinda blows me off. help?

Answer #1

Ok, if this is how she is treating you.. sorry, but replace her, there is no reason a real friend would do this, I consider, and suggest you move along, and forget she even existed, and if she is really depending on you as a friend, she will say something, no worries, good luck. :]

Answer #2

this kind of thing actually happens a lot. id say just try and forget about her. it sounds like she doesnt want to be your freind anymore, and that shes the kind of person who just jumps on the first popularity band wagon she sees! every now and then youll learn new things about the people you thought you new so well. so just forget about her. thats not how freinds treat one another, so pay no attention to her

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