What if my Mom is forcing me to get an abortion?

I’m 15 years old, and turning 16 in two months, and I’m 2 months pregnant. My mother is forcing me to get an abortion, no questions asked. I’ve thought about this, and I need to do whats best for me and my future, being so young, I’ve gave this a lot of thought and decided that I dont want to have an abortion. But she’s forcing me. I’ve tried telling her no, and tried to sit her down and talk about the health risks of abortion, and she agrees to talk about it, but never does. She tells me things like “ Maybe You should have thought about this before you got pregnant”, and sometimes calls me names and say some things that I’d rather not repeat on here. I know that it’s legally up to me if I go through this abortion or not, But my boyfriend is 19, and she’s threated to use this against me if I don’t get the abortion, and because of the age difference its sagitory rape. I dont know what to do, I want to keep my baby, but I don’t want anything to happen to my boyfriend, the father of my child, & him go to jail. I really dont know where to turn or what to do…so some advice would help… Thanks =]

Answer #1

I aint a girl but looking at all these abortion videos I would not even think of an abortion I just dont see how your mother wants it for u you should go take a look at http://www.prolife.com/.. if she still insists tell her about the guilt you and her will face after aborting something you gave life to if you and your boyfriend agree to raise it yourselfs then I hope you would take my advice and go through the birth process

Answer #2

I aint a girl but looking at all these abortion videos I would not even think of an abortion I just dont see how your mother wants it for u you should go take a look at http://www.prolife.com/.. if she still insists tell her about the guilt you and her will face after aborting something you gave life to if you and your boyfriend agrees to raise it yourselfs then I hope you would take my advice and go through the birth process

Answer #3

your mom must want a baby to die that has no reason to die… I think you should have that baby! gud luck

Answer #4

abortion IS murder. have your mom think about it. if shes making you get an abortion shes making you kill someone. your baby could end up growing up to be the president who changed life as we know forever. its possible. thats your baby and your decision. if shes making you do it move in with your babys daddy. easy as that. its his kid to. your mom cant stop you from doing whats right. abortion should be illegal.

Answer #5

at 16 years old you are really really young and tbh, abit to young to have a baby! im 17, I was pregnant, and it made my life hell, I had to have an abortion! because I knew that the baby was not going to be loved as I was much to young to give ti the life that it needed! I mean at 16-17 you havent even lived yet or even finished school! think about this, if your baby is a girl and she becomes pregnant at 16 what would you say to her? would you want her to throw her life down the pan because she was stupid enough not to use the nessecary protection.

I no that abortion is murder but is it really fair to bring a child into this world that you probably wouldnt love as much as you could once you had done all your growing up? I could never put my baby up for adoption because one day someone is going to tell them that they wernt wanted, can you imagine how that would make you feel? and one day they will want to find you and they will probably give you grief about it, you need to think about what is best for you! because at this moment in time, you cant give it the life it deserves!

Answer #6

did you keep the baby. I hope you did. It was hard for me to have a miscarriage. I cant imagn an abortion That MURDER!!!

Answer #7



Answer #8

Hi, I work with teen moms all the time and it is a very hard choice that you have ahead of you. Have you asked your mom to sit down and when she doesn’t have you tried to just tell her now we have to sit down and talk about this. their are so many different aspects of the whole situation. #1 the health Risk not only physically but emotional it will harm you for many many years and some women never get over the fact of what they have done to their baby years down the line when they do decide to have children all these emotions will come up again. also you have the risk of not being able to have children later on when you decide that you would want to have children. have you looked into adoption Im not sure where you are but their is private adoptions and also through adoption options and child and family services would help you find a family if you wanted to go that route. if you wanted to parent you have to have a plane in place and would the father of the baby and yourself be ready to be a parent at this point in your lives. it not that it cant be done. it can be done with the right supports in place. their are a lot of resources available in most parts of canada and usa for pregnancy options. If you would go to your doctor and ask him to referr you to your pregnacy centre in you your area he would proable be able to set that up for you. and you would get all the infornation that you would need. also make sure that you and your mother know the different kinds of abortion at the different stages of pregnacy because their are different risk factors for the different stages also their are different methods they us with different stages of pregnancy which are absolutely horifing. that someone would do that to a little baby. make sure you get all the information that you can before making any decision. and if you really don’t want to do that their may be places you can go and contiune your schooling while you are pregnant If I knew what area you wher from I could check for you or send you some information if you like. What does your boyfirend say about all this? is he supportive with parenting. and is he ready to parent. their is a lot of really good parenting classes out their that would really help.
Hope this helped. Just really think and pray for the right decision and what is best not for your mom but for baby and you.

take care.


Answer #9

Its really your decision if you want to keep the baby keep it if not give it up for adoption your mom cant make the decision.im 15 and I have 3 kids and im doing perfectly fine so im sure you could handle one baby if you wanted to.

Answer #10

go and get a job then see if you can move in with a family member or friend no baby deserves to be killed because of your mistake if need any help I will always be no matter what! stay safe and good luck!

Answer #11

do what you want dont let any one force you into it please make your own mind up.I did ‘not and I blamed my mother for doing it for me . you will always blame her if you have any regrets.please make sure its what you want please.xxx

Answer #12

Your parents can’t make the dession for you. Its all up to you. They can say they can and keep saying but they cant. It is totally and completely up to you.

hope I helped, xoxo :)

Answer #13

Catholic Charities offers counseling and a way to have the baby adopted. We care about the unborn and young mothers. You may regret having an abortion the rest of your life like some ladies in my church. 35-42 years ago had an abortion and they cry and pray everyday for forgiveness. Don’t be one of these.

Answer #14

Why not talk to her about adoption instead? Abortion isn’t the answer. I was just reading a blog about a girl who got one and she lives with it everyday. There are other ways around this, get an adoption so you wont have to live with the guilt of killing a child for the rest of your life.

Answer #15

if you really want to keep your baby you need to get help from a lawyer in case you cant tell just your mom tell your mom no couse she cant legaly make you do it then dont let her if you want your baby.

Answer #16

You possibly could give it up for adoption. I would keep it though because your the one to make the mistake , so its no one’s fault but your own. tell her that would be murder if you got an abortion. Where I live You can move out when your 16, so get out there and get a job, and live with your boyfriend or get your own place. PLEASE don’t get an abortion.

Answer #17

Its up to you to get an abortion or not…

there are schools you could go to or get out once you get pregnant you are emancipated and can move out on your own. if you chosse to do this be responsbile about it though it is not easy to do but it can be done I am a mother of 2 had my first at 15 I moved out and found a job and a place to live and continued to go to school its a very hard road to take but if can be done if you need to talk funmail me I can probal help you a lot


Answer #18

what I would do if I were you is listen to your head. your heart might tell you that you want a baby right now but your brain will tell you that wow its a big decision that will affect the rest of your life. you should talk to the 2 girls here who had babies when they were your age to get an idea on the reality of motherhood. dont let anyone tell you not to get an abortion. most of those people have never been in your position and dont understand what you are going through. good luck

Answer #19

How do we know abortion is murder? How can you kill something that can’t live on it’s own anyway? Until the third trimester, It is a potential human being, I.e. it is still part of the woman.

Regardless, it’s your choice and not your mothers. Seek legal counsel and request that you be emancipated. Remember though, that this means you will be considered an ADULT. You will have to support your baby, yourself, potentially drop out of school…will your boyfriend help? Are you positive he won’t turn his back?

Maybe your mother knows what’s best, but it’s your body and your choice. Fight for what you think is right.

Answer #20

At this point you need legal help. Laws regarding statutory rape vary by state. I’m no lawyer but looking at a few web sites to me it looks like your boyfriend could be charged with statutory rape in the state of NY.

If you are considering marrying your boyfriend you might ask your parents if they really want to charge their future son-in-law with a felony or if they would like your husband to have to register as a sex offender everyplace you move for the rest of your lives.

Answer #21

Wow. Really think this through. I’m 16 and I was forced to have an abortion in August 2007 and now I want a baby more than ever, my fiance does too, my mom is so upset about her decision now, everyone regrets it and I have this guilt for the rest of my life and I cant forgive myself, I’m depressed and lonely and push everyone away, I dropped out of school and quit my job because its hard for me to just live with myself. If you feel its right, have the baby. If you feel you cant handle it, look into adoption. Do what’s right for you and your child. This is your decision when it comes down to it. Just look at all your options, I really wish I would have..

Answer #22

well I don’t know wut to tell you but abortion is veryyy wrong and I considerate to be murder and I know you will luv your baby nomatter wut but plzzz don’t get an abortion and hopefully everything works out and good luck and congr. on your engagement.

Answer #23

awwe man I wouldnt know what to do if I was you. I would just go through it and just keep the baby. it would be a sad thing if you ever did an abortion because that is your first child! so yea just suffer through it no matter how bad the situation is and it will all calm down evenutally. just make sure that your boyfriend is taking his responsibilties as a father. so yea..hoep this helps.

Answer #24

Your mom CAN NOT make you have an abortion. You are not allowed to be forced at all. I’ve done been through this and I had to sign papers saying I wasn’t being forced to. It is YOUR choice what you want to do or not.

Answer #25

it is your choice, not your mothers.. if you want to keep the baby, keep it..

Answer #26

Oh wow. Well first off most defintely do not get an abortion. That is murdering and you don’t want to do that. If worse comes to worse, you could put it ip for adoption, that would be so much better than abortion. And it would give you time to finish living your life and going to college and all that good stuff and later on you could start your family. Or if your mom actually was a caring and was willing to help you, she could take care of the baby until you get old enough to take care of it yourself.

hope that helped even though I am only 14, and I’ve never been through this, dont put it through abortion that is wrong in everyyy way.


Answer #27

say mom this could teach me a lesson!

Answer #28

tell your mom to kiss your a**

Answer #29

To The Person Above me:: Thanx …? Dude if you’re not going to answer it then dont… that was a waste of 5 minutes… And I Can’t delete it, so Its Just going to stay there

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