Firing Randy Orton For all the injured persons

I just watched Monday night raw and watched Randy Orton and Triple H finally get revenge on Orton. How many out there thinks Randy Orton deserves what people are doing to him? He also injured Batista? I think Orton should be fired from wrestling! Do you all think so? Kim

Answer #1

I agree with you,but Legacy injured Batista for a reason,not on purpose,if you read some news sites,you’ll know what’s behind it. In the other side,I hope Orton is fired cause he has one more strike until he’s gone due to his drug test failures.

Answer #2

Randy will never get fired, he is their prime story and their top wrestler in vince’s eyes. Batista was already injured before extreme rules which is why the match was very short, so they used legacy to cover up the fact that he was injured to put him out a bit longer so he can recover

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